This is the Go code for the new Canibus Server and sample client
To build set your $GOPATH to here
Install all dependencies you don't have in your go Env (see below)
go install all
You should be able to connect to the web interface on localhost:2515
This is Canibusd version 0.0.2 The API protocol has changed
See the Hive13 wiki for mroe information
go get go get go get go get
CANiBUS has switch to a Single Page Application (SPA) model recently. It has a RESTful interface
- / - Homepage
- /# - Authentication
- /lobby - Lobby
- /candevices - JSON list of CAN devices
- /candevice/:id/config - Configure CAN device
- /candevice/:id/join - Join a CAN HackSession
- /candevice/:id/info - JSON CAN Device info
- /hax/:id - Sniff session on device
- /hax/:id/start - Start the sniffer
- /hax/:id/stop - Stop the sniffer
- /hax/:id/packets - Pending packets
The Original C++ and NCurses code is now under the foloer orig_poc/