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Windows install instructions

Ali Caglayan edited this page Jan 26, 2020 · 1 revision
  1. Install the precompiled binaries for coq. Just pick the one labelled latest release and run the exe file.
  2. Run the cygwin installer. It doesn't matter which version, 64 and 32 both work.
  3. When you are told to choose packages, select the following packages (use the search bar) git, make, ocaml, automake, libtool You can select these packages by choosing a version from the drop down in the installer.
  4. Complete the installation of cygwin.
  5. Run cygwin and check that git works by running git. It should just give you the help screen.
  6. Run git clone to clone the HoTT library, or change this to your fork if you wish to push to your own fork later.
  7. Once that has finished downloading, change directory into the HoTT folder cd HoTT.
  8. Run ./
  9. Configure the library by running ./configure COQBIN="/cygdrive/c/Coq/bin/". This tells the HoTT library where to find the coq binaries. This is of course assuming the coq binaries were installed in C:\Coq\bin. When in cygwin you can access your C drive through /cygdrive/c.
  10. Run make. This will take some time.
  11. You should now be able to run hoqide and hoqc. To try it out run ./hoqide & in your HoTT directory. The ampersand will let the process run in the background so you can continue to use the terminal.
  12. If all has gone well you will have coqide running with the HoTT library. Type Require Import Basics. and get coqide to check it to really make sure.
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