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Supplementary information on the exploration of the CAZome and carbohydrate processing enzyme activities in soft rot Pectobacteriaceae


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Supplementary Information: Hobbs et al., 2023

Survey of Carbohydrate Processing Capabilities of Pectobacterium and Dickeya

This repository contains supplementary information for analyses reported in Hobbs et al. (2023), exploring the association between the diversity of the Carbohydrate Active enZyme (CAZyme) complement and the carbohydrate processing phenotype and plant host range of pythopathogens Pectobacterium, Dickeya and recently defined Musicola.

Run all commands provided in the walkthrough from the root of this directory.

Online supplementary

Owing to the size of the data sets used, the figures are consequently compressed in the final manuscript. This remote repository contains the original full size, high resolution figures.

Additionally, some analyses are only briefly mentioned in the manuscript. The full method and results of these analyses are stored in this repository.

The complete analysis and results can be found in this report.

How to use this repository.

You can use this repository like a website, to browse and see how we performed the analysis, or you can download it to inspect, verify, reproduce and build on our analysis.

Downloading this repository

You can use git to clone this repository to your local hard drive:

git clone

Or you can download it as a compressed .zip archive from this link.

If you have problems with this repository

Please raise an issue at the corresponding GitHub page:

Repo structure

The structure of this repository:


Set up and reproducing analyses (quickstart)

You can use this archive to browse, validate, reproduce, or build on the phylogenomics analysis for the Hobbs et al. (2023) manuscript.

We recommend creating a conda environment specific for this activity, for example using the commands:

conda create -n pecto python=3.9 -y
conda activate pecto
conda install --file requirements.txt -y -c bioconda -c conda-forge -c predector

To use pyani in this analysis, version 0.3+ must be installed. At the time of development, pyani v0.3+ must be installed from source, this can be done by using the bash script (run from the root of this repository):


Install dbCAN version 3

The CAZyme classifier dbCAN verions >= 3.0.6 can be installed via Bioconda (recommended). The full installation instructions can be found here -- and must be followed to ensure all additional database files are downloaded and compiled correctly.

Install signalP

Installation instructions for signalP6 can be found here.

All scripts

  1. Download datasets
    1. - Downloads genomes in proteome format
    2. - Build a local CAZyme db
  2. Annotate CAZomes 3. - Retrieve CAZy family annotations from the local CAZyme db for proteins in the downloaded proteomes 4. - Run dbCAN version 3 on protein sequences not found in the local CAZyme db 5. - Parse dbCAN output
  3. Reconstruct phylogenetic tree
  4. Run ANI analysis and build dendrogram
    3. build_anim_tree.R
  5. Annotate intracellular and extracellular CAZymes
  6. Add taxonomic classifications
    2. - NEED TO WRITE
  7. Explore CAZome composition 2. explore_pecto_dic_cazome.ipynb
  8. Compare trees
    1. build_tanglegrams.R
  9. Identify networkds of co-evolving CAZy families

Results and online supplementary

Owing to the size of the data sets used, the figures are consequently compressed in the final manuscript. This remote repository contains the original full size, high resolution figures.

The original figures are found in the results directory, and contained within the jupyter notebooks used to run the analyses, which can be found here (the raw notebook is for downloading and running locally, the website version is for viewing the results):

Method: Reproducing the analyses

Several of the data files required to repeat the analyses presented in the manuscript are stored (available for use) in the repo. These files are stored in the data/ directory.

Build a local CAZyme database

Configure using cazy_webscraper (Hobbs _et al., 2022) to download all data from the CAZy database, and compile the data into a local CAZyme database.

cazy_webscraper: local compilation and interrogation of comprehensive CAZyme datasets Emma E. M. Hobbs, Tracey M. Gloster, Leighton Pritchard bioRxiv 2022.12.02.518825; doi:

# create a local CAZyme database
scripts/download/ <email>

This generated the local CAZyme database data/cazy/cazy_db.

Download genomes

A plain text file listing the genomic version accessions of all 281 assemblies is listed in data/genomic_accessions/pecto_dic_accessions.

The proteome (.faa) protein and DNA sequence (.fna) FASTA files were downloaded from ncbi using the package ncbi-genome-download, configured using the bash script download


The download protein FASTA files were written to the data/proteomes directory, and the DNA sequence files were written to the data/genomes directory.

Predict proteomes

Not all genomic assemblies in NCBI are annotated, i.e. a proteome FASTA file (.faa file) is not available for all genomic sequences in NCBI.

To identify those genomes were a proteome FASTA file was not available, and thus was not downloaded, the Python script was run.


The script generated a text file listing the genomic accession of each assembly for which a proteome FASTA file (.faa) file was not downloaded. The file was written to data/missing_genomes.

If using the 281 assemblies presented in the manuscript, proteome FASTA files were not available for 104 assemblies.

The script coordinates running prodigal on all genome sequences were a proteome FASTA file could not be retrieved, and copies the predicted proteome FASTA file to the data/pectobact/proteome directory.


Annotate CAZomes

Get CAZy annotated CAZymes

Configure using cazomevolve to identify CAZymes classified in the local CAZyme database, for both the Pectobacteriaceae.


Two tab delimited lists were created:

  1. Listing the CAZy family accession and genomic accession per line: data/cazomes/fam_genomes_list
  2. Listing the CAZy family, genomic accession and protein accession per line: data/cazomes/fam_genomes_proteins_list

Proteins in the download protein FASTA files that were not listed in the local CAZyme database were written to data/cazomes/dbcan_input for Pectobacteriaceae.

Get dbCAN predicted CAZymes

To retrieve the most comprehensive CAZome for each genome, protein sequences not found in the local CAZyme database were parsed by the CAZyme classifier dbCAN (Zhang et al. 2018), configured using cazomevolve.

Han Zhang, Tanner Yohe, Le Huang, Sarah Entwistle, Peizhi Wu, Zhenglu Yang, Peter K Busk, Ying Xu, Yanbin Yin; dbCAN2: a meta server for automated carbohydrate-active enzyme annotation, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 46, Issue W1, 2 July 2018, Pages W95–W101,

Run the following command from the root of this directory. Note: depending on the computer resources this may take multiple days to complete

Note: The following commands MUST be run from the same directory containing the db directory created when installing dbCAN - the following commands presumt the db dir is located in the root of this repository.


After running dbCAN, use the following commands to parse the output from dbCAN and add the predicted CAZy family annotations, protein accessions and genomic accessions to the tab delimited lists created above.

The command runs the cazomevolve command cazevolve_get_dbcan which can be used to parse the output from dbCAN version 2 and version 3.


At the end, two plain text files will be generated, containing tab separated data:

The predicted CAZyme annotations were added to:

  1. data/cazomes/fam_genomes_list
  2. data/cazomes/fam_genomes_proteins_list

Run ANI analysis and construct dendrogram

The software package pyani Pritchard et al was used to perform an average nucleotide identify (ANI) comparison between all pairs of Pectobacteriaceae genomes, using the ANIm method.

Pritchard et al. (2016) "Genomics and taxonomy in diagnostics for food security: soft-rotting enterobacterial plant pathogens" Anal. Methods 8, 12-24


This created a pyani database in data/tree. Graphical outputs summarising the pyani analysis were written to results/tree/anim.

May need to run to double check what output is created, and how to get the tsv file for generating the dendrogram.

A dendrogram was reconstructed from the ANIm analysis using the bash script, which coordinated the extraction of the calclated ANI values from the local pyani database, replacing the pyani genome IDs with the NCBI genomic version accessions using the Python script, and coordinated the R script build_anim_tree.R, which build a distance matrix and used hierarchical clustering (using the 'single' method) to build a dendorgram that was written in Newick format to data/pectobact/tree/


Reconstruct phylogenetic tree

To reconstruct the phylogenetic tree of Pectobacterium, Dickeya and Musicola, the method presented in Hugouvieux-Cotte-Pattat et al. was used.

The specific method is found in the Hugouvieux-Cotte-Pattat et al. supplementary.

CDS prediction

To ensure consistency of nomenclature and support back threading the nucleotides sequences onto aligned single-copy orthologues, all downloaded RefSeq genomes were reannotated using prodigal

Hyatt D, Chen GL, Locascio PF, Land ML, Larimer FW, Hauser LJ. Prodigal: prokaryotic gene recognition and translation initiation site identification. BMC Bioinformatics. 2010 Mar 8;11:119. doi: 10.1186/1471-2105-11-119. PMID: 20211023; PMCID: PMC2848648.


The annotate features were written to the following directories:
Proteins: data/tree/genomes/proteins
CDS: data/tree/genomes/cds
GBK: data/tree/genomes/gbk

Identify Single Copy Orthologues (SCOs)

Orthologues present in the genomes were identified using orthofinder.

Emms, D.M. and Kelly, S. (2019) OrthoFinder: phylogenetic orthology inference for comparative genomics. Genome Biology 20:238


The Orthofind output was written to data/tree/orthologues. The SCO sequences are written to the dir data/tree/orthologues/Results_<date>/Single_Copy_Orthologue_Sequences.

Multiple Sequence Alignment

Each collection of single-copy orthologous was aligned using MAFFT.

The output from MAFFT (the aligned files) are placed in the data/tree/sco_proteins_aligned directory.

scripts/tree/phylo/ <path to dir containing SCO seqs from orthofinder>

Collect Single-Copy Orthologues CDS sequences

The CDS sequences corresponding to each set of single-copy orthologues are identified and extracted with the Python script To reproduce this analysis, ensure the PROTDIR constant in the script is directed to the correct output directory for orthofinder. The script can then be run from the current directory with:

python3 scripts/tree/phylo/

The output is a set of unaligned CDS sequences corresponding to each single-copy orthologue, which are placed in the data/tree/sco_cds directory

Back-translate Aligned Single-Copy Orthologues

The single-copy orthologue CDS sequences were threaded onto the corresponding aligned protein sequences using t-coffee.

T-Coffee: A novel method for multiple sequence alignments. Notredame, Higgins, Heringa, JMB, 302(205-217)2000

The results can be reproduced by executing the script from this directory.


The backtranslated CDS sequences are placed in the data/tree/sco_cds_aligned directory.

Concatenating CDS into a Multigene Alignment

The threaded single-copy orthologue CDS sequences were concatenated into a single sequence per input organism using the Python script To reproduce this, execute the script from this directory with:

python3 scripts/tree/phylo/

Two files are generated, a FASTA file with the concatenated multigene sequences, and a partition file allowing a different set of model parameters to be fit to each gene in phylogenetic reconstruction, written to data/tree/concatenated.fasta and data/tree/concatenated.part.

Phylogenetic reconstruction

To reconstruct the phylogenetic tree, the bash script is used, and is run from the root of this repository. This executes a series of raxml-ng commands.

All genes were considered as separate partitions in the reconstuction, with parameters estimated for the GTR+FO+G4m+B model (as recommended by raxml-ng check).

Tree reconstructions are placed in the tree directory. The best estimate tree is 03_infer.raxml.bestTree and the midpoint-rooted, manually-annotated/coloured tree (using figtree) is 03_infer.raxml.bestTree.annotated)

Alexey M. Kozlov, Diego Darriba, Tomáš Flouri, Benoit Morel, and Alexandros Stamatakis (2019) RAxML-NG: A fast, scalable, and user-friendly tool for maximum likelihood phylogenetic inference. Bioinformatics, btz305 doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btz305


Annotate intracellular and extracellular CAZymes

To predict which CAZymes were intracellular and which were extracellular, the protein sequences of all CAZymes were gathered into a single FASTA file using the python script `

python3 scripts/signalp/

signalP (version 6) (Teufel et al.) was used to predict the presence of signal peptides in the protein sequences of the identified CAZymes.

Teufel, F., Almagro Armenteros, J.J., Johansen, A.R. et al. SignalP 6.0 predicts all five types of signal peptides using protein language models. Nat Biotechnol 40, 1023–1025 (2022).


The output from signalP was written to data/signalp/pd_signalp_output.

The Python script was used to add the intracellular/extracellular annotations to the tab delimited files data/cazomes/pd_IE_fam_genomes_proteins and data/cazomes/pd_fam_genomes_proteins_taxs.


data/cazomes/pd_IE_fam_genomes_proteins and data/pd_fam_genomes_proteins_taxs include the headers 'Fam', 'Genome', and 'Protein'.

Add taxonomic classifications

Download the GTDB database dump from the GTDB repository. Release 202.0 was used in the manuscript Hobbs et al. Save the database dump (TSV file) to data/gtdb/ directory.

The bash script was used to coordinate running cazomevolve to add taxonomic information to each genomic accession, in every tab delimited list of (i) CAZy family and genomic accession, and (ii) CAZy family, genomic accession and protein accession that was generated.

scripts/taxs/ <use email address> <path to gtdb tsv file>

Use Python scripts and to add the taxonomic information to the reconstructed ANI and phylogenetic trees, respectively.


Explore CAZome composition

Exploration of the CAZomes for each data set (Pectobacteriacea, Pectobacterium & Dickeya, and intra- and extra-cellular CAZymes) were preformed within a jupyter notebook, which is available in this repository (the raw notebook is for downloading and re-running locally, the website version is for viewing the results):

Specifically, the analyses performed in the notebooks were executed using the module cazomevolve.cazome.explore, which contains functions for exploring the CAZome annotated by cazomevolve. These are:

Identify associating CAZy families using coinfinder

Use the tool coinfinder (Whelan et al.) to identify CAZy families that are present in the genome together more often than expected by chance and lineage.

Fiona J. Whelan, Martin Rusilowicz, & James O. McInerney. "Coinfinder: detecting significant associations and dissociations in pangenomes." doi:

Generate circular trees and heatmaps:

To reproduce the output from coinfinder in the same structure as presented in the manuscript (i.e. a circular tree surrounded by a heatmap), overwrite the file network.R in coinfinder with the respective R script in scripts/coevolution, and use the corresponding bash script:

  • network.R: scripts/coevolution/pd_circular_network.R
  • bash: scripts/coevolution/

Generate linear trees and heatmaps, with taxonomy information:

These circular heatmaps annotate each leaf of the tree with only the respective genomic version accession. To list the taxonomic infomration as well, on each leaf of the tree, overwrite the contents in the file network.R in coinfinder with the respective R script in scripts/coevolution, and use the respective bash script to configure coinfinder:

  • network.R: scripts/coevolution/pd_taxs_rectangular_network.R
  • bash: scripts/coevolution/


Supplementary information on the exploration of the CAZome and carbohydrate processing enzyme activities in soft rot Pectobacteriaceae








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