This repo contains the kiwi-ng configuration used to create Rockstor 'Built on openSUSE' installers. Please see the excellent kiwi ng docs for configuration options.
Pull requests most welcome; especially new target system profiles. Please test your modifications on all affected profiles prior to submission and provide details of how you tested the resulting installer.
Profiles are named after their upstream distribution base, i.e. openSUSE Leap version, and then the intended target system; with the two elements separated by a ".".
The "target system" element is either generic, i.e. x86_64 or AArch64, or target system specific, i.e. RaspberryPi4 or ARM64EFI. With the latter ARM64EFI spanning both generic (Arm64) and specific (64 bit EFI).
Our current pre-built installers are built using the following profiles (see: Downloads):
- Leap15.6.x86_64
- Leap15.6.RaspberryPi4
- Leap15.6.ARM64EFI
- Tumbleweed.x86_64
- Tumbleweed.RaspberryPi4
- Tumbleweed.ARM64EFI
USB booting on the Pi4 may require a bootloader update via a fully updated Raspberry OS. Pi4 EEPROM/bootloader version "Jun 15 2020" or later will be required for USB boot, regardless of any installer/EFI file changes.
We are fortunate & thankful to have had contributions from/for the innovative Traverse Ten64 AArch64 platform. Traverse technologies have been instrumental in achieving our initial AArch64 compatibility aims. The resulting installer is intended to support 64-bit ARM systems that implement the Embedded Boot or Server boot standard. Note that additional drives may be required for your specific hardware, if so consider Installing the Stable Kernel Backport. Also see the following subsection for enabling these same repositories/facilities within the resulting installer itself.
If you would like to add a specific target system installer profile,
please take a look at the examples referenced in the second link above.
file itself also contains comments with links to example configs used during its development.
We can make no promises for the 'supported' status of any additional profiles,
but 'The Rockstor Project' will endeavour to make available the more popular resulting installers.
See our Community Contributions doc section for an overview to contributing,
and the howto subsection below to test proposed changes.
Please see the kiwi-ng docs overview for the canonical System Requirements for building the installer: e.g., 15 GB free space, Python version, etc. It is recommended to use at least Kiwi-ng v10.1.18 to build our Core Profiles.
Given our profiles' target OSs are exclusively 'Built on openSUSE', a vanilla openSUSE Leap 15.5/6 instance is recommended if not using the kiwi-ng boxbuild method. But if the newer kiwi-ng boxbuild method in "Building on any linux host... " is used, any relatively modern linux system can be used to build the installer.
In order to build the installer you need a local copy of the rockstor-installer GitHub repository. This file is part of that repository. To get this copy you simply need to 'git clone' that repository to your local openSUSE instance:
zypper in git
git clone
cd rockstor-installer/
The above commands install the 'git' program, and use it to 'clone' (read copy locally) the GitHub repo, before setting your working directory to be inside this local copy. Now you just need the kiwi-ng program this config requires to make the actual installer.
Kiwi now has support for using KVM virtual machines to build in an isolated environments, regardless of the linux host.
With the release of version 10.x of kiwi ng
the minimum required python version is now 3.9
or higher.
On any linux platform with KVM virtualization enabled and the corresponding python3 version,
you can use an isolated python virtual environment to build the installer without modifying your host OS,
or needing to manually set up an openSUSE virtual machine (see below for this alternative).
This boxbuild approach does have some overheads compared to building on a baremetal installation,
but on reasonably powerful hardware it can still take less than twenty minutes.
By default, the kiwi-boxed-plugin will reserve 8GB of memory, and 4 CPU cores.
This can be modified with --box-memory=<vm>G --box-smp-cpus=<number>
, e.g., --box-memory 4G --box-smp-cpus=2
On machines with low RAM, building with as low as 1GB has been tested successfully.
Assigning too much RAM will crash your host, so be sure to set a safe amount smaller than your current available host ram.
Arguments before the --
are passed to boxbuild, and after are passed to the kiwi-ng build itself.
Note on using a host OS within a Virtual Machine:
If using a Linux OS in a Virtual Machine,
any shared folders from the host are not properly recognized by the KVM/QEMU that is generated by kiwi-ng
's boxbuild approach.
This can lead to chroot
errors and terminate the installer generation.
The recommendation in this case is to clone the installer git directly into the VM directory,
and edit the relevant files (e.g.,
) before executing the box build.
Or to edit them outside of the VM and transfer them back into the VM's installer directory using a shared folder.
At the end of installer creation the .iso
file must then be copied from within the VM directory back onto the VM's host for further use.
Note on pip
Some distros might still have a split between Python 2.x/3.x usage of pip
(i.e. pip3 vs. pip),
or an existing system that is being used had both installed over time.
If that is the case, one wants to ensure that the 3.x version is used, by explicitly declaring pip3
in the below command line.
Otherwise, this can lead to execution errors down the line.
python3 -m venv kiwi-env
Note on virtual environment with a specific python3 version:
In case multiple python3 versions are installed (e.g., 3.11 was added to enable the usage of kiwi
the venv
should be created using the specific version.
Otherwise, the kiwi and box-plugin versions will revert to a lower version than 10x.
Therefore, unless the higher python3 version has been set up to be the default version,
the virtual environment should be created (using the example of version 3.11
python3.11 -m venv kiwi-env
If the system/distro has dropped python 2.x support, or if it is not installed on the system that is used for the build:
./kiwi-env/bin/pip install kiwi kiwi-boxed-plugin
Or go with the explicit version 3.x of pip:
./kiwi-env/bin/pip3 install kiwi kiwi-boxed-plugin
The rest remains the same (make sure to consider the memory and CPU defaults mentioned above)
./kiwi-env/bin/kiwi-ng --profile=Leap15.5.x86_64 --type oem \
system boxbuild --box leap -- --description ./ --target-dir ./images
This was the preferred method before the above kiwi-ng boxbuild capability existed.
For an openSUSE Leap 15.5/6 OS from kiwi-ng's doc Installation section we have:
Any x86_64 machine, keeping in mind that building an installer is computationally expensive, so systems with a decent-sized CPU/RAM combination released in the last 5-7 years is recommended.
The openSUSE host version should ideally be at least the version of the target profile.
Since Leap 15.5/6 ships with a default python 3.6x
it is necessary to install a higher python version (e.g., 3.11
sudo zypper in python311
then add the required repository:
for 15.5:
sudo zypper addrepo appliance-builder
or for 15.6
sudo zypper addrepo appliance-builder
and install kiwi and the additional requirements as shown below:
sudo zypper install python3-kiwi btrfsprogs gfxboot qemu-tools gptfdisk e2fsprogs squashfs xorriso dosfstools
See HCL:Raspberry Pi4. Install, for example, an appliance JeOS Leap 15.5/6 image as the host OS. Enabling USB boot on older Pi4 systems will allow for the use of, for example, an SSD as the system drive which will massively speed up installer building. See Pi4 USB boot.
No edit is required if you wish to use the generic installer filename and default rockstor package version (recommended). To change these defaults edit all lines directly preceded by <!--Change to ... as per the ... details given. Our release infrastructure performs these same edits to set official installer filenames and rockstor package versions.
To enable the use of 'Stable Kernel Backport' and 'filesystems' repositories within our
uncomment the corresponding repositories.
For more information about using the most recent kernels see
Installing the Stable Kernel Backport.
If you want to enable LUKS encryption of the Root disk (where Rockstor is installed),
uncomment the relevant parameters available as example in the Leap15.5.x86_64 profile.
This will enable LUKS2
encryption and utilize PBKDF2, as grub does not yet support the more recent argon2id
N.B.: The luksformat
parameter's preceding hyphens have to be escaped to exist as a comment.
When adding more non-commented parameters,
the required double-hyphens can be inserted without escaping them to their Unicode character codes.
Executed, as the root user, in the directory containing this repository's
kiwi-ng --profile=Leap15.6.x86_64 --type oem system build --description ./ --target-dir /home/kiwi-images/
Executed, as the root user, in the directory containing this repository's
kiwi-ng --profile=Leap15.6.RaspberryPi4 --type oem system build --description ./ --target-dir /home/kiwi-images/
With the above suggested kiwi-ng
commands the resulting installers will be found in /home/kiwi-images/ on the kiwi-ng host systems.
- For the x86_64 profiles the resulting installer is an ISO image intended for image transfer to an installer only device. Use the file ending in ".iso".
- For the RaspberryPi4 profile the resulting installer is an uncompressed raw disk image intended for image transfer to the target system disk directly. Use the file ending in ".raw".
The resulting installs will grow on first boot to the size of their host devices. All partitioning is fully automatic.
Please see Rockstor’s “Built on openSUSE” installer How-to for a user guide.
Our friendly forum is a good place to ask question regarding this How-to. If you enable any of the above described enhancements i.e. backported kernel, LUKS, or add other options, be sure to include their details when reporting any problems. Please be patient as our support is community based and the above procedures are always in-flux/development.
If you find an issues with these instructions, or the kiwi-ng config, please consider creating an issue and submitting a pull request with a proposed fix.
The Rockstor Project is an Open Collective Non-Profit/Non-Business Open Source community endeavour. As such it depends on subscriptions and contributions for its sustainability.