A language designed to do everything (It doesn't actually do a lot at the moment).
- Be expandable.
- Be fast.
- Be more expandable.
- Be domain specific to literally any domain or no domain at all.
- Be even more expandable.
- Did I mention it should be expandable?
- Do everything.
- Do it again.
- Be functional, imperative, stack-based, graphical, text-based, fucking whatever.
- I'm still working on that but we'll see.
You can read the language document to learn how the thing works, how to make an implementation of the thing, and maybe even how to write code for the thing.
Do note that the document is very outdated because I wrote it after sitting in the shower for a while and then I realized things may not quite work like that once you actually get to writing the code.
This project is heavily inspired by nexustix's reconn.
Nexustix also often has to listen to me ranting about creating the perfect language and stuff, so kudos to him.