图片/视频选择器 - 支持LivePhoto、GIF图片选择、3DTouch预览、在线下载iCloud上的资源、编辑图片/视频、浏览网络图片 功能 Imitation wx photo/image picker - support for LivePhoto, GIF image selection, 3DTouch preview, Download the resources on iC…
一点心得 - iOS,Swift,React Native,Python...
Powerful text framework for iOS to display rich text based on TextKit, inspired by Texture and YYText.
A barcode and qr code scanner( 二维码/条形码扫描、生成,仿微信、支付宝)
Collaboration with wangxupeng(
Mach-O based ObjC & Swift useless classes, useless protocols, useless resources detection, packet size analysis, point-to-point crash resolution.基于Mach-O的ObjC & Swift无用类、无用协议、无用资源检测,包大小分析,点对点崩溃解析。
An in-app debugging and exploration tool for iOS
DecryptLogin: APIs for loginning some websites by using requests.
戴铭的开发小册子,一本活的开发手册。使用 SwiftUI + SwiftData + Swift Concurrency Aysnc/Await Actor + GitHub API 开发的 macOS 应用
HQChart - H5, 微信小程序 沪深/港股/数字货币/期货/美股 K线图(kline),走势图,缩放,拖拽,十字光标,画图工具,截图,筹码图. 分析家语法,通达信语法,(麦语法),第3方数据替换接口
Your go-to app for VPN and privacy.
☁ Tencent Cloud IM Server SDK in Java | 腾讯云 IM 服务端 SDK Java 版
A data-driven UICollectionView framework for building fast and flexible lists.
✅ Solutions to LeetCode by Go, 100% test coverage, runtime beats 100% / LeetCode 题解
🔥LeetCode solutions in any programming language | 多种编程语言实现 LeetCode、《剑指 Offer(第 2 版)》、《程序员面试金典(第 6 版)》题解
🌏 A modern cross-platform JavaScript bridge, through which you can invoke each other's functions synchronously or asynchronously between JavaScript and native.
iOS interview questions;iOS面试题集锦(附答案)
A handy collection of more than 500 native Swift extensions to boost your productivity.
An immutable radix tree implementation in Golang
Build Time Analyzer for Swift