Repository for Computable Contracts Research and Development
Couple searches that reveal most recent filings with contracts:
Open Knowledge Foundation:
Good Links to Gather Context:
element id="us-gaap_BankruptcyClaimsDescriptionOfMaterialContractsAssumedOrAssigned
Line 1149: <xs:element id='us-gaap_BankruptcyClaimsDescriptionOfMaterialContractsAssumedOrAssigned' name='BankruptcyClaimsDescriptionOfMaterialContractsAssumedOrAssigned' nillable='true' substitutionGroup='xbrli:item' type='xbrli:stringItemType' xbrli:periodType='duration' />
Line 1151 <xs:element id='us-gaap_BankruptcyClaimsAmountOfClaimsOnMaterialContractsRejected' name='BankruptcyClaimsAmountOfClaimsOnMaterialContractsRejected' nillable='true' substitutionGroup='xbrli:item' type='xbrli:monetaryItemType' xbrli:balance='credit' xbrli:periodType='instant' />
Line 1157 <xs:element id='us-gaap_BankruptcyClaimsDescriptionOfMaterialContractsRejected' name='BankruptcyClaimsDescriptionOfMaterialContractsRejected' nillable='true' substitutionGroup='xbrli:item' type='xbrli:stringItemType' xbrli:periodType='duration' />
- xs:element name="property" type="PROPERTY_TYPE"
Go to
Crawl ( for example, )
Filter lines in each xbrl.idx by the form type you are interested in. For example:
1000180|SANDISK CORP|10-K|2015-02-10|edgar/data/1000180/0001000180-15-000013.txt
Download -- for example,
Extract XBRL document beginning with <?xml>
To Scrape Edgar Contracts into Hadoop
SEC EDGAR Oil Contracts Finder (can widen this scope to all contracts, not limit to oil related contracts)
- go to
- then find a file with the following company.XXXXXXXX.idx (where XXXXXXXX is the full date)
- download the file by using
- To process it you need to convert it to csv by running the following command
a. On your computer(using Terminal) navigate to the folder that has company.XXXXXXXX.idx
b. cat company.XXXXXXXX.idx | sed 's/ +/;/g' > company.csv
c. Now you have a CSV file and the separator character is ; instead of , - To download more than one just cat the file with wget the last field
a. for i incat company.csv | cut -d';' -f5
; do wget "$i" ;done