The Log To File helper provides a simple way for logging messages to a specific file. It is intended to be used a helper class for modules and plugins in Craft CMS.
This package will not be updated for use with Craft 4. Instead, we recommend you use a custom Monolog log target to achieve a similar (better) result, as explained in
This component requires Craft CMS 3.0.0 or later.
Install it manually using composer:
composer require putyourlightson/craft-log-to-file
Or add it as a dependency to your plugin:
"require": {
"putyourlightson/craft-log-to-file": "^1.0.0"
Then you can write messages to a log file as follows.
use putyourlightson\logtofile\LogToFile;
$message = 'The message to log.';
// Log as info
LogToFile::info($message, 'my-plugin-handle');
// Log as error
LogToFile::error($message, 'my-plugin-handle');
// Log as Yii message level
LogToFile::log($message, 'my-plugin-handle', 'error');
// Log as custom category
LogToFile::log($message, 'my-plugin-handle', 'custom-category');
The result is a concise log file that contains messages relevant to your module/plugin only.
2019-04-24 09:47:14 [info] Notification email sent to user #34.
2019-04-24 17:53:45 [info] Notification email sent to user #56.
2019-04-24 19:45:52 [error] Template `notification` not found.
2019-04-24 19:56:13 [debug] Template `notification` could not be rendered.
This software is licensed for free under the MIT License.
Created by PutYourLightsOn.