First of all, you need to download: qbAPI repository (remove the -master suffix), qbadmin repository, SH_control_example.cpp, and sine.txt, and be sure to have a file tree organized like this:
- qbadmin
- qbAPI
- SH_control_example.cpp
- sine.txt
Click on the qbAPI submodule and follow the instructions to install the package.
Click on the qbadmin submodule and follow the instructions to install the package.
Connect the SoftHand via USB cable to the computer.
Open a new terminal in the folder "qbadmin/src/bin_win" (Windows) or "qbadmin/src/bin_unix" (Linux) and call qbadmin -t to get the COM port used by the board. Assign this value to COMPORT variable in SH_control_example.cpp
In the same folder call qbadmin -p. Read the value assigned to the first parameter Device_ID. Assign this value to device_id variable in in SH_control_example.cpp
Compile SH_control_example.cpp with "g++ ReadFile_SetInput.cpp QB_lib/cp_communications.cpp QB_lib/qbmove_communications.cpp -o SH_control_example".
The code reads data from the sine.csv file and sends them as input values to the SoftHand using the RS485 protocol.
Connect the SoftHand using the USB cable.
In the folder "qbadmin/src/bin_win" (Windows) or "qbadmin/src/bin_unix" (Linux) call qbadmin -p and make sure that these parameters are set as follow:
- Input mode: USB
- Control mode: Position
- Resolutions: 3 3 3
- Position limits active: YES
- Pos. limits [inf, sup]: 0 16000 --> For the SoftHand with 2 motors, the value might be Pos. limits [inf, sup]: -16000 0 (we can't remember, ask who is working with it right now) In this case the 'sign' variable in SH_control_example.cpp should be set to -1
To change the value of the parameters call 'qbparam' and choose 'set'
Run SH_control_example
git clone --recurse