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This is the repository for the Wiki Races competition at TechOlympics.


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Wiki Races

This is the repository for the INTERalliance WikiRaces competition at TechOlympics 2025.

Run npm install in the project directory to install the dependencies.

Run npm run-script test to run the test suites.

Run npm run-script run to host the site for testing.

On the actual server, use pm2 to start the server with npm run-script prod-run

Installing and running with Docker

First, Install Docker.

Then, run the server:

# to build for the first time
docker compose up
# to detach output for deployment on server
docker compose up -d
# to rebuild after making chainges
docker compose build && docker compose up
# to shut down
docker compose down

Installing and running on Fedora Linux 40

# If build and other necessary tools are not installed (such as literally running this in a Docker application):
# sudo dnf install git make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel npm
git clone
cd wikiraces
npm install
# note that MongoDB is no longer supported for Fedora by default
# add to the yum repos:
sudo tee "/etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-7.0.repo" << 'EOF'
name=MongoDB Repository
# handle errors with mongodb
sudo dnf install mongodb-mongosh-shared-openssl3
sudo dnf install mongodb-org
if `mongosh --help 1>/dev/null`; then echo 'OK'; else echo '!!!NG!!!'; fi
# run server for development
npm run-script run # Should default to port 8443
# OR run server for production
sudo npm install pm2 -g
pm2 start src/app.js --name wikiRaces
pm2 status wikiRaces
pm2 stop wikiRaces

Running for development

If you're developing this application locally, and you want to restart the server any time you make edits to a file, then you should use:

npm run-script dev-run

Overall, take a look through package.json and see if any of the scripts there seem useful to you.

About Wiki Races:

Wiki Races is a competition where players start on a Wikipedia page, and have to get to another Wikipedia page by only clicking the links in the Wikipedia pages.

Website features:

  • Homepage:
    • Display levels (from levels.json)
    • Submit usernames and userIds to server
  • Client:
    • Loaded when links from the homepage are clicked.
    • Tracks user history
      • Visualises history at the bottom of the page
      • Can click on a history element to go back to that page
    • Submits user data (history, time, userId) to server when a level is completed.
  • Leaderboard:
    • Orders all players by total time
    • Has links to show players individual submissions
  • Server:
    • Dynamically generate Wikipedia pages
    • Save user data
    • Host various APIs for webpages
  • Admin tools:
    • Rename users on the fly
    • Set level times easily

This is intended to be run on a Linux system. It has been proven to work on Ubuntu Server 20.04.2 and on Ubuntu Server 22.04.1

This does not have any of the NGINX settings needed to support the server. You will need to do that yourself if you are setitng this up.

To do:

  • Big change: Pull from Wikipedia API instead of webpage
    • change function getWiki(id) in dynamic.js to pull from Wikipedia API
    • Take data from API and format it as a styled HTML webpage
  • clean up useless async/await
  • Set up auto redirect from HTTP to HTTPS
  • set up replica sets for mongodb
  • add informational text on homepage
    • note a re-direct does not count
  • Add message for Edge and weird browsers
  • encode urls properly
  • Reorder directory structure so pages are not jumbled together.
  • set up nojs and IE support
  • 2024 redesign

Completed tasks


  • set up Docker
  • Cache all loaded files -> Store as JSON or as Files?
  • Get Wikipedia content and parse it
  • How to return content from function with expressjs?
  • remove search boxes and extra stuff from page
  • The main issue right now is that I am unable to detect when a link is clicked.
  • Plan: Dynamically fetch wikipedia pages, and break out of the iframe to set variables.
  • If I can host the page and the game, I shouldn't have issues with XSS
  • Autogenerate url
  • improve if (err) return log.error(err);
  • set github language with this or this
  • create test suite
  • due to xss, I cannot tell what url an iframe is on without hosting it.
  • add more padding to the bottom of the navbar
  • Add horizontal history view in bottom bar
  • Before game starts, show timer
  • Be able to detect what webpage the user is on.
    • How to get info from url?
  • Time till completion should work by storing a date object at game start, and getting the delta at game over.
  • Create game client
  • Look into port forwarding with NGINX
  • Get accurate times
  • add level view to homepage
  • make script to start in n minutes
  • Forward / to /wiki-races with NGINX
  • set up https with nginx and certbot
  • Takes username in box
  • generates userid
  • Get backend capable of accepting submissions
  • create homepage that allows users to register username
    • Submits userid with username to database
  • create leaderboard that loads level data and views it.
  • Get backend capable of accepting submissions
    • semi complete
  • create homepage that allows users to register username
    • Submits userid with username to database
  • make levels submit data on level clear
    • log that data to database
  • make levels submit data on level clear
    • log that data to database
  • create leaderboard that loads level data and views it.
  • replace JSDOM with custom formatter
  • add wikipedia attribution at the bottom of each page
  • add with certbot
  • fix css for small browsers
  • Add link to go back to main page when we run out of time.
  • Disable opening links in new tab?
  • Nicely comment everything.
  • get a good server hosting solution.
  • Create homepage
  • Create backend (hopefully something better than just a JSON file, but we'll see.)
  • center leaderboard titles
  • make script to redact names
  • add css for go to leaderboard button on homepage
  • make database connection a property of a database object.
  • click to view user's submission info on leaderboard

Using the Wikipedia API?