by IOIO72 aka Tamio Patrick Honma (
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.
We all love the game series Lemmings. So here they are ready to conquer your territory, well, if they survive.
This package includes
a Lemmings customizer (Lemmings.scad) to select a Lemming and change its sizes and bevels according to your personal preferences.
a Lemmings.3mf with colored and monochrome Lemmings and different print parameters to solve adhesion and quality issues. 
3MF and STL files for each Lemming.
The adhesion to the plate may be too low for the pixel design. Therefore, either try to apply an additive to the plate or use a raft. If you want a higher quality, then you can iron the surfaces with the slicer.
The Lemmings.3mf file provides you with prepared plates for the cases described above.
I have updated this pack to provide double the amount of Lemmings than before. In addition, I offer print-ready colour 3MF files that you can use with colour 3D printers, e.g. with an AMS.
New characters:
- Builder
- Miner
- Basher
- Floater (first double height character)
Original set:
- Walker
- Blocker
- Shrug
- Climber