The following two option are the same, and you can choose one or the other.
mkdir ipse2.0-mining && cd ipse2.0-mining && wget -nc
If you're not a developer,you can choose this option
git clone && cd ipse2.0-mining && cargo build --release && mv ./target/release/poc-mining ./
If you're a developer,you can choose this option.
# command
chmod 777 update_config
After the above steps have been completed, and you can find miners_config.yaml
in the current folder. Please modify it next. (tip: the following is the default configuration, and you should use own configuration. )
- {host: localhost, # remote server id
account_id: 10717349404514113857, # plot id
phase: cash mixture tongue cry roof glare monkey island unfair brown spirit inflict, # your secret key
miner_proportion: 20, # how much proportion that the miner should get in a rewad.
url: 'ws://localhost:9944', # synchronization node
plot_size: 50, # plot size (The unit is Gib).
miner_reward_dest: 5FHb1AEeNui5ANvyT368dECmNEJeouLeeZ6a9z8GTvxPLaVs, # Miner income address
plot_path: '/data/test_data', # where is the plot file on your computer.
max_deadline_value: 5000, # The maximum number of the deadline allowed.
# command
in the folder localhost
, you find the another folder that named with the plot id, and into it.
Now, you can find the file command.txt
in current folder.
# command
cat command.txt
There are two command lines, and you can use them to stop or start mine.
- start mine
/home/transxask/Desktop/ipse2.0-mining/localhost/10717349404514113857/supervision-10717349404514113857 --mining /home/wjy/Desktop/ipse2.0-mining/localhost/10717349404514113857/poc-mining-10717349404514113857 --log-max-size 10
- stop mine.
/home/transxask/Desktop/ipse2.0-mining/localhost/10717349404514113857/supervision-10717349404514113857 --mining /home/wjy/Desktop/ipse2.0-mining/localhost/10717349404514113857/poc-mining-10717349404514113857 --log-max-size 10 --stop