A collection of my computer graphics examples using THREEjs.
During my studies I had to use THREEjs as a tool to create different projects regarding computer graphics. I realized that I would like to share my experience with this way of using computer graphics. All can be used regarding the LICENSE and is purely intended as learning material.
THREEjs is a rapidly changing JS library, and it tends to go through major changes in some version increments, so I
decided to explicitly put a copy of version r132 as a static dependency, thus preventing possible breaks. This means
that connecting this project with other npm
managed projects might be a bit of a hassle. If you would like to do that,
I recommend modifying the inline scripts to use a module managed by npm
, it really is a no-brainer.
The only purpose of this repository is to represent some computer graphics fundamentals and ideas in an easily and
universally accessible and hackable manner. This is the reason for me putting scripts inline HTML5