Generation of a social network from The Lives of The Artists (1568) by Giorgio Vasari.
This code has been tested with Python 3.9 and the following requirements.
In order to run our scripts, it is necessary to download the pre-processed data from The Lives of The Artists from Zenodo. This is the only data format compliant with our source code. In order to run our scripts, create a directory called data
and put it under our main
scripts_network/ #scripts for generating a social network
linking_vasari_wikidata/ #scripts to link artists in the network to Wikidata
scripts_rdf/ #scripts to convert social network into Knowledge Graph
scripts_scraping/ #scripts to generate input data (for documentation)
rdfs/ #turtle serialization of the Knowledge Graph
If you have Docker installed, you can load the Vasari Social Network in a triplestore using SHMARQL.
docker run --rm -p 8000:8000 -it -v $(pwd)/rdfs:/data -e DATA_LOAD_PATHS=/data
This will load all .ttl files found in the specified directory, and make it available under a /sparql
endpoint, eg. http://localhost:8000/sparql
The results from this research are also stored indipenedently from this repository on Zenodo.