##Custom uploaders
ShareX has custom uploader support and you can easily import/export these.
##How to import?
- ShareX main window -> Destinations menu -> Destination settings.
- Destination settings window -> Custom uploaders tab -> Import menu -> From clipboard or file.
If you need help while making custom uploader you can check here:
But easiest way to learn is checking other example custom uploaders to see how those work.
Please use current custom uploader naming format for consistency; name and file name should be just domain with lowercase:
If one domain has more than one service or profile then add that info near it with paranthesis:
example.com (Image uploader).json
example.com (URL shortener).json
example.com (Anonymous).json
example.com (User).json
If your upload response is [Json](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON) then use new [JsonPath](http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) syntax instead of [Regex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_expression) syntax to parse it.