MACA: Marker-based automatic cell-type annotation for single cell expression data
MACA works anndata format and is compatible with pipeline analysis through scanpy
pip install scanpy==1.6.0, anndata==0.7.5, scikit-learn
pip install MACA-Python
See /Tutorial/Basic use of MACA/
See /Tutorial/Integrated annotation via MACA/
See /Tutorial/Integrated annotation via MACA/
See /Tutorial/
Xu et al. "MACA: marker-based automatic cell-type annotation for single-cell expression data". Bioinformatics
MACA was modified for parallel computing. For combined ~647K single nuclei human heart data (Tucker et al, Circulation 2020 and Litviňuková et al, Nature 2020), annotation through MACA takes 24 mins with NMI as 0.739 and ARI as 0.818 against authors' annotations.
We established a new github repo named MASI (, which combines reference data and MACA for fast label transferring.
We uploaded ScTypeDB, a combination of PanglaoDB and CellMarker, as cell-type marker database, and tested its performance in cell-type annotation. ScTypeDB is compatible to annotation via MACA.
Ianevski et al. "Fully-automated and ultra-fast cell-type identification using specific marker combinations from single-cell transcriptomic data". Nature Communications
GPU-supported research has speeded up integrative discoveries across single-cell studies. However, access to a good graphic card for model training is not taken granted, especially in undeveloped and developing countries. Even renting a gpu instance on the cloud is costy for researchers.
We devote to make integrative single-cell analysis accessible for most people, and MACA is a cheap solution to label transferring for large single-cell data. MACA annotates 1 million cells for 40 minutes, on a personal laptop with i7-8550U CPU, 16GB memory, and no GPU support.