This repository contains the scripts necessary to extract the following components using a YOLO v8 object detector and Meta's Segment Anything (SAM) model from butterfly images:
- wings (right forewing, right hindwing, left forewing, left hindwing)
- ruler
- metadata label
- color palette
- Create conda environment
conda create -n yolo_segmentation python=3.10
- Activate environment
conda activate yolo_segmentation
- Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
The YOLO model does not require that you resize your images. However, if you wish to resize your images regardless, you can follow the steps below to do so.
To resize your images, you can use either the
or the
file in the preprocessing_scripts
folder. The only difference between the two is the assumed folder structures. Both scripts will create a new directory containing your resized images such that the original images are not overwritten/modified.
python3 --source /path/to/source/image/dataset/folder --output /path/to/new/folder/to/store/images --resize_dim 256 256
The script
expects your source folder structure to look as such:
|-- Source_Image_Folder
| |-- image_1.jpg
| |-- image_2.jpg
| |-- image_3.jpg
| |-- image_4.jpg
| |-- image_5.jpg
python3 --source /path/to/source/image/dataset/folder --output /path/to/new/folder/to/store/images --resize_dim 256 256
The script
expects your source folder structure to look as such:
|-- Source_Image_Folder
| |--species_folder_1
| | |-- image_1.jpg
| | |-- image_2.jpg
| |--species_folder_2
| | |-- image_1.jpg
| | |-- image_2.jpg
| |--species_folder_3
| | |-- image_1.jpg
| | |-- image_2.jpg
To obtain masks for your set of images, run the
script in the segmentation_scripts
folder. The result will be a new folder containing all the segmentation masks for each of your images in the input directory.
python3 wing-segmentation/segmentation_scripts/ --dataset /path/to/your/images --mask_csv /path/where/to/store/segmentation_info.csv
Arguments explained:
is the full path to your folder containing your images you wish to obtain masks for. (Example: /User/micheller/data/jiggins_256_256)
is the path location at which you want to store the csv that gets created detailing which segmentation categories exist in the mask generated for each image. (Optional. Default segmentation.csv will be saved in the same directory from where you run this script.)
The segmentation_scripts
folder contains python scripts to help you remove the background of your images using the segmentation masks from our YOLO-SAM model.
Remove background only and replace with black background
python3 wing-segmentation/segmentation_scripts/ --image_dataset_path <path> --mask_dataset_path <path> --main_folder_name <folder_name>
Remove background only and replace with white background
python3 wing-segmentation/segmentation_scripts/ --image_dataset_path <path> --mask_dataset_path <path> --main_folder_name <folder_name>
Remove background and all items that are not wings. Wings are placed against a white background
python3 wing-segmentation/segmentation_scripts/ --images <path> --masks <path> --main_folder <folder_name>
After obtaining masks for our images, we can crop out the forewings and hindwings by running the following
script in the segmentation_scripts
python3 wing-segmentation/segmentation_scripts/ --images /path/to/butterfly/images --masks /path/to/segmentation/masks --output_folder /path/to/save/cropped/wings/to --pad <pixels to extend crop window by>
file will produce images like those below:
Arguments explained:
is the path to the folder containing the set of images we got masks for in step 2.
is the path to the folder created during step 2 containing the segmentation masks for the images.
is the name of the folder you want to give to the folder that will contain the cropped wings.
is the number of pixels to use as padding and extend the crop window by when cropping out wings. This argument is optional with a default value of 50. If the individual cropped wings are including neighboring wings too much for your liking, reduce this number to get a tighter window/crop around the wing. If the individual wing is getting cut off in the crop, increase this number.
The cropped wing images will be named in this structure: <original name>_wing_#.png
The number following wing
can be mapped as follows:
: right forewing
: left forewing
: right hindwing
: left hindwing
The landmark_scripts
folder contains python scripts to sort cropped wings into wing folders and flip images horizontally if needed.
Create wing folders
python3 wing-segmentation/landmark_scripts/ --input_dir /path/to/folder/where/we/store/cropped/wing/results
Flip images
python3 wing-segmentation/landmark_scripts/ --input_dir /path/to/wing/category/folder
The CLI is still under development. Please add an issue for bug reports or feature requests.
The wing segmentation CLI tool is designed for convenient and flexible segmentation of butterfly images.
In a virtual environment, you can install with:
pip install git+
If you would like a specific version of the package (e.g. v0.1.0
), you can install with:
pip install git+
usage: wingseg [-h] {segment,scan-runs} ...
Wing Segmenter CLI
-h, --help show this help message and exit
segment Segment images and store segmentation masks.
scan-runs List existing processing runs for a dataset.
Requires outputs to have been generated with the --outputs-base-dir option.
This command segments images and stores segmentation masks with a variety of options for resizing, padding, background removal, and more.
usage: wingseg segment [-h] --dataset DATASET [--size SIZE [SIZE ...]] [--resize-mode {distort,pad}] [--padding-color {black,white}]
[--interpolation {nearest,linear,cubic,area,lanczos4,linear_exact,nearest_exact}] [--bbox-padding BBOX_PADDING]
[--outputs-base-dir OUTPUTS_BASE_DIR | --custom-output-dir CUSTOM_OUTPUT_DIR] [--sam-model SAM_MODEL] [--yolo-model YOLO_MODEL]
[--device {cpu,cuda}] [--visualize-segmentation] [--crop-by-class] [--force] [--remove-crops-background]
[--remove-full-background] [--background-color {white,black}]
Segment images and store segmentation masks.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset DATASET Path to dataset images.
(default: None)
--outputs-base-dir OUTPUTS_BASE_DIR
Base path to store outputs under an auto-generated directory, useful for testing and managing multiple runs.
Compatible with the scan-runs command.
(default: None)
--custom-output-dir CUSTOM_OUTPUT_DIR
Fully custom directory to store all output files for a single run.
Not compatible with the scan-runs command.
(default: None)
--sam-model SAM_MODEL
SAM model to use (e.g., facebook/sam-vit-base).
(default: facebook/sam-vit-base)
--yolo-model YOLO_MODEL
YOLO model to use (local path or Hugging Face repo).
(default: imageomics/
--device {cpu,cuda} Device to use for processing.
(default: cpu)
Generate and save segmentation visualizations.
(default: False)
--crop-by-class Enable cropping of segmented classes into crops/ directory.
(default: False)
--force Force reprocessing even if outputs already exist.
(default: False)
Resizing Options:
--size SIZE [SIZE ...]
Target size. Provide one value for square dimensions or two for width and height.
(default: None)
--resize-mode {distort,pad}
Resizing mode. "distort" resizes without preserving aspect ratio, "pad" preserves aspect ratio and adds padding if necessary.
Required with --size.
(default: None)
--padding-color {black,white}
Padding color to use when --resize-mode is "pad".
(default: None)
--interpolation {nearest,linear,cubic,area,lanczos4,linear_exact,nearest_exact}
Interpolation method to use when resizing. For upscaling, "lanczos4" is recommended.
(default: area)
Bounding Box Options:
--bbox-padding BBOX_PADDING
Padding to add to bounding boxes in pixels.
(default: None)
Background Removal Options:
Remove background from cropped images.
(default: False)
Remove background from the entire (resized or original) image.
(default: False)
--background-color {white,black}
Background color to use when removing background.
(default: None)
This command provides a tabular overview of segmentation runs for comparing effects of segmentation option settings:
usage: wingseg scan-runs [-h] --dataset DATASET [--outputs-base-dir OUTPUTS_BASE_DIR]
List existing processing runs for a dataset.
Requires outputs to have been generated with the --outputs-base-dir option.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--dataset DATASET Path to the dataset directory
(default: None)
--outputs-base-dir OUTPUTS_BASE_DIR
Base path where outputs were stored.
(default: None)
For instance, if you have a dataset of images in ../data/input/
, and you would like segmented outputs stored under ../data/output/
you can segment these images with the following command:
wingseg segment --dataset ../data/input/ \
--outputs-base-dir ../data/output/ \
--visualize-segmentation \
--crop-by-class \
--size 512 \
--resize-mode pad \
--padding-color white \
--interpolation cubic \
--remove-crops-background \
--remove-full-background \
--background-color white
Depending on the contents of ../data/input/
, the command above will produce the following status indicator:
INFO:root:Loading YOLO model: imageomics/
INFO:root:YOLO model loaded onto cpu
INFO:root:Loading SAM model: facebook/sam-vit-base
INFO:root:Loaded SAM model and processor successfully.
INFO:root:Processing 18 images
INFO:root:Output directory: /abs/path/to/data/output/input_3354acb9-b295-5d07-9397-8ec5c74cee37
Processing Images: 6%|█████▌ | 1/18 [00:14<04:09, 14.67s/image]
Note that the unique identifier appended to the output directory is a UUID that depends on certain options specified in the command as well as the input dataset. This is to ensure that the output directory is unique and does not overwrite existing results.
For example, it may be useful to compare the effects of resize dimensions with squares of size [256, 512, 1024].
Once these are processed, you can use the scan-runs
command for a tabular overview of the segmentation runs:
wingseg scan-runs --dataset ../data/input/ \
--outputs-base-dir ../data/output/
Found 3 processing runs for dataset 'input':
Processing Runs
┃ ┃ Run UUID ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃ Resize ┃ ┃ ┃ ┃
┃ Run # ┃ Prefix ┃ Completed ┃ Num Images ┃ Resize Dims ┃ Mode ┃ Interp ┃ BBox Pad ┃ Errors ┃
│ 1 │ 3354acb9 │ Yes │ 18 │ 512x512 │ pad │ cubic │ 0 │ None │
│ 2 │ 0f27d745 │ Yes │ 18 │ 256x256 │ pad │ cubic │ 0 │ None │
│ 3 │ 8e9ae0a2 │ Yes │ 18 │ 1024x1024 │ pad │ cubic │ 0 │ None │
This can be helpful navigating the outputs of multiple segmentation runs:
$ ls -1 ../data/output/*
Inspecting data in the seg_viz/
, we can see that the 1024x1024 products have segmentation masks that differ from the 512x512 and 256x256 products.
1024x1024 (Run 8e9ae0a2):
512x512 (Run 3354acb9):
256x256 (Run 0f27d745):
A potential fix for this could be to add padding to the bounding boxes (with the --bbox-padding
option) wherever results are inconsistent with expectations.
Once you are satisfied with the outputs, you can use the wingseg segment
command with the --custom-output-dir
option specified to store all output files for a single run in a custom directory.
For developers contributing to the CLI, clone the repository, set up and activate a virtual environment, then install in editable mode with development dependencies:
pip install -e .[dev]
Example images used in this README are from:
- Christopher Lawrence, Owen McMillan, Daniel Romero, Carlos Arias. (2024). Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) Samples. Hugging Face.