A Django application for creating news releases which can be associated with unique newsroom objects.
A Django CMS apphook is included as well as a templatetag for rendering news release headlines in non-application templates.
Add newscenter to your python path:
$ pip install newscenter
Add the following to the INSTALLED_APPS of your project's settings.py:
- In your urls.py, add:
- url(r'^newscenter/', include('newscenter.urls')),
manage.py migrate
Collect static media:
manage.py collectstatic
The following will be installed automatically if you use pip to install newscenter:
Pillow (http://python-pillow.github.io/)
easy-thumbnails (https://github.com/SmileyChris/easy-thumbnails)
feedparser (http://pythonhosted.org/feedparser/)
django-el-pagination (https://django-el-pagination.readthedocs.io/en/latest/start.html)
- For easy-thumbnails, you'll also need to add it to INSTALLED_APPS and run migrate:
- 'easy_thumbnails',
- For django-el-pagination, you'll also need to add it to INSTALLED_APPS:
- 'el_pagination',
- You will also need to update your context_processors with:
- 'django.template.context_processors.request',
NB: don't forget to delete any 'endless_pagination' from INSTALLED_APPS in the settings.py file.
The template tag can be used like this:
{% load newscenter_tags %} {% get_news "newsroom-name" %} <h1><a href="{{ newsroom.get_absolute_url }}">{{ newsroom.name }}</a></h1> {% for release in featured_list %} <article> <h2>{{ release.title }}</h2> <p class="teaser">{{ release.teaser }}</p> <p><a href="{{ release.get_absolute_url }}">Read more</a></p> </article> {% endfor %}
- Compatible with Django 3.2, Python 3.9
- django-endless-pagination -> django-el-pagination
Changed in 2.0.0:
- In this version, we changed the name of the migrations directories as follows. If you are using Django 1.7+ and are upgrading to newscenter 2.0.0, you can make sure to remove newscenter from MIGRATION_MODULES in settings.py. If you are using Django 1.6, update the MIGRATION_MODULES as documented above.
- #4
Renamed Directories: migrations -> south_migrations migrations_django -> migrations
- Fixed a depreciation warning in forms.py regarding get_model
- #3
New in 1.5.8: - Added support for Django 1.7
New in 1.4.1: - Added title field to Contact model
New in 1.4: - Switched image plugin from popeye to bxslider