ReentrancyStudy-Data is a large-scale dataset of reentrancy vulnerability in smart contracts, which is built from 230,548 open-source smart contracts from Etherscan.
For more details, please refer to our paper "Turn the Rudder: A Beacon of Reentrancy Detection for Smart Contracts on Ethereum" ICSE'23 paper.
The deduplicated smart contracts.
The reentrant contracts (code) with labels.
The reported reentrancy by analysis tools (oyente, mythril, securify1, securify2, smartian, sailfish).
The reentrant labels of deduplicated smart contracts.
In 'true positive' column:
1 means the contract is manually verified to true reentrant contract.
0 means the contract is manually verified to false reentrant contract.
N/A means the contract does not be successfully analyzed by any tool.
In the column of tools (oyente, mythril, securify1, securify2, smartian):
1 means the contract is reported to reentrant contract by the tool.
0 means the contract is not reported to reentrant contract by the tool.
N/A means the contract does not be successfully analyzed by the tool.
The information of contracts from etherscan.
The mapping from the hash value (for deduplication) to the address.
The python script to load reentrancy_information.csv.
Zibin Zheng, Neng Zhang, Jianzhong Su, Zhijie Zhong, Mingxi Ye, and Jiachi Chen, “Turn the rudder: A beacon of reentrancy detection for smart contracts on ethereum,” in Proceedings of the 45th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, ser. ICSE ’23, 2023
If you have any questions about our dataset, please contact