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Releases: Indatus/assembler

v1.3.0: Merge pull request #9 from Indatus/add-digitalocean-user-data

13 May 17:46
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Adds cloud config functionality to droplet creation.
You can now specify the path to a cloud config script in the provision
config file. The script will be executed during the droplet's creation.
This allows you to run provisioning alongside creating a new droplet.

Added info to the README and example files.

v1.2.0: Merge pull request #4 from michaelbunch/shipper

30 Apr 15:33
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Assembler can now ship a Docker container by using docker pull and start the container via docker run.

v1.1.0: Merge pull request #1 from leftyhitchens/master

30 Apr 15:31
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Restructure to allow us to add your own cloud provider.
Destroy task so that you can remove servers via Assembler.