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RPi Getting Started

Jaumann Dominik (IFAG DES SDF SCS EPE) edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 6 revisions


In this quick tutorial we will go through one of the C++ BGT60 library examples available for the BGT60LTR11AIP shield and the Raspberry Pi.

Required Experience

  • Experience level: moderate
  • Basic linux user level
  • Basic programming skills (C/C++)

Required Hardware

Name Picture
Compatible Raspberry Pi
8 GB + microSD card for the Raspberry Pi

Required Software

  • Raspberry Pi OS or similar
  • Git
  • build-essential
  • Infineon's radar-bgt60 library (this library)


Hardware Setup

The BGT60 needs to be connected with wires to a compatible Raspberry Pi. One wiring example is depicted below. If you want to use different pins, you have have to change the desired pins in the constructor of the library.

Note ⚠️: Make sure to connect the GND-Pin and the VIN-Pin of the radar shield to the right pins on the Raspberry Pi. Otherwise the board can be damaged.

Raspberry Pi Setup

Set up the Raspberry Pi with the Raspberry Pi OS or a similar OS. Check this page for instructions.

You can access your Raspberry Pi either using a monitor and a keyboard or using SSH in a headless setup as described here.

Now insert the microSD card into your Raspberry Pi and turn on the power supply to boot it up.

Software Installation

Check out this section for details on the installation of the radar-bgt60 library.

Ready To Go!

With everything ready and set up, we can now run one the library examples.

Change Into The Raspberry Pi Framework Folder

cd radar-bgt60/src/framework/raspberrypi

Compile The Example

make example/detectMotion

Run The Example Code


You hardware setup is now able to detect motions in front of the radar board. Check out this section for more examples.