Almost re-implement the paper: Machine Comprehension Using Match-LSTM and Answer Pointer
It's a simple baseline for the task, I get only
f1: 0.643
andem: 0.4975
on the dev. -
Since I only have access to an NV1060 card, so I did only several training and evaluation on dev set.
I changed a little bit of the structure of the files.
Please check the cs224n assignment 4 for installing dependencies etc.
Set the parameters in Config.py
then run:
python train.py
Note the "--"
before the keyword.
If trained multiple models, one can run:
python eval_ensemble.py
to do ensemble test.
Meanwhile, one can run:
python eval_interactive.py --ckpt='path/to/ckpt' --vocab='path/to/vocab.bat' --embed='path/to/embedding'
to do interactive test, where you can input context and question, then take a look what the model get for you.
- random shuffle the training set is important.
- initialization the weights of rnns is crucial, and i tried to use identity initialization but did not do experiment to see how it differed from xavier or others.
- regularization is deadly needed.
- My best result is:
F1: 0.643
andEM: 0.4975
for 4000 samples in dev set.
- Plot histgrams of context, question, answer lengthes.
- preprocess the inputs with mask.
- make decision how to represent the answer.
- figure out the overall architecture.
- add tensorboard to monitor.
- overfit a minibatch.
- done tones of things, and miss keeping note.
- use running average algorithm to draw a nicer loss curve.
- add interactive mode.
- finish qa_answer.py, work with pure json file.
Welcome to CS224N Project Assignment 4 Reading Comprehension.
The project has several dependencies that have to be satisfied before running the code. You can install them using your preferred method -- we list here the names of the packages using pip
The starter code provided pressuposes a working installation of Python 2.7, as well as a TensorFlow 0.12.1.
It should also install all needed dependnecies through
pip install -r requirements.txt
Be aware that the file structure is a little bit different for this repo.
You can get started by downloading the datasets and doing dome basic preprocessing:
$ code/get_started.sh
Note that you will always want to run your code from this assignment directory, not the code directory, like so:
$ python code/train.py
This ensures that any files created in the process don't pollute the code directoy.