- PyTorch for ML implementation
- OpenCV for countour detection
- ROS and Gazebo for simulation
- Install the above packages before eveything else
- Copy the folder 'frames' in .gazebo/models
- Build the workspace mybot_ws(Project)
- ./run_world.sh
- ./run_add.sh
- roslaunch mybot_navigation move_base.launch
- python image_converter.py
- roslaunch mybot_gazebo mybot_trigger1.launch
- ./run_world.sh
- ./run_add.sh
- Move the robot and orient it towards the passage in Gazebo
- ./run_wf.sh
- ./run_gazebo.sh
- roslaunch mybot_gazebo mybot_trigger1.launch
- python image_converter.py
- roslaunch mybot_navigation move_base.launch