Hey! I am a young boy attending the fourth year of high school in the computer science class. I've been passionate about this since 2019 when i was in middle school. I started by programming the Arduino. Later I learned to program in Python (which I have mastered), At school I learned to program in C++ (where again I have a high level of skill) and to develop Front-end sites (In fact I can write sites using HTML, CSS and the JS). Now to face the fourth year of the school I have already started learning Java (although it is still at the basics, and I already have a little skill, already able to write small codes). Exact same situation for the LUA, I'm learning it for personal reasons, for a small project on StormWorks ๐
In the past I have participated in multiple national and international competitions. In 2022, together with my team, we reached the final of the Italian Robotics Championships and we are hosted by the IIT (Italian Institute of Technology) in Genoa. I also participated in AstroPi, an international competition organized by ESA (European Space Agency). I also participated in minor but equally important experiences such as the NaoChallenge, at FAI (Fondo Ambiete Italiano) where I programmed a small (but large and very expensive) robot capable of managing hospitality, and finally (among the thousands of experiences I have done) I programmed a robot capable of giving a presentation during the 171 anniversary of the Italian state police. In the past i also created a small project called CatNet which was simply a suite of network-tools, now I have put this open-source project aside to focus on other things ๐
Uh. No one knows what the future holds for the rest of us. But I will definitely continue my studies in information technology and increase all my skills. Only time will tell us what I will do ๐น