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MAKE build Commands

Don Richards edited this page Mar 16, 2023 · 11 revisions

⭐ These breakdowns are subject to change. These are accurate as of March 16, 2023. ⭐

These are the important "make" commands to "build" isle-dc

MAKE commands Description
demo Make a local site from the install-profile and TODO then add demo content
local Make a local site with codebase directory bind mounted, modeled after
up Brings up the containers or builds demo if no containers were found.
starter Make a local site with codebase directory bind mounted, using starter site.
starter_dev Make a local site with codebase directory bind mounted, using cloned starter site.

Note Note that some of these simply build upon another command.


make demo

❗ This one is likely to soon change to the equivalent of starter_dev. The community is moving away from defaults and install profiles (previous methods of deploying Islandora 2.x).

This is intended to "get your feet wet" with Islandora with a look and feel of the Sandbox Site ( including the demo content. This is both a learning tool and a tool used to test Islandora core code.


  1. Runs make local
  2. Runs make demo_content
  3. Runs a command that displays a URL to set the admin password in the UI.


make local

This is mostly intended for developing with existing codebase directories or to build one with the install profile and include a bind mount for the files. As it says in the documentation there are 2 .env settings ideal for this option.

  • local - For development environments where you need edit the codebase
  • custom - For production environments where your codebase gets baked into a custom container


  1. Downloads the defaults certs
  2. Generates the docker-compose.yml file
  3. Fetches the docker images specified in the docker-compose.yml file using the container image release tag set in the .env file
  4. Creates the codebase/ directory if it doesn't exist.
  5. Clones it down from
  6. Sets the file permissions needed for Drupal to run for the codebase directory.
  7. Starts the containers
  8. Run composer install from within the Drupal container.
  9. Updates the settings.php file
  10. Installs the Islandora Install profile (islandora_install_profile_demo).
  11. Installs the Migrate tools
  12. Hydrate the site. See "Hydrate" below.
  13. Creates the directory for the configs to be exporter/imported (/var/www/drupal/config/sync) and sets the permissions.
  14. Creates the Home page from demo-data/homepage.json
  15. Sets a page for browse-collections/ in the same manner.
  16. Runs a command that displays a URL to set the admin password in the UI.


make up

❗ This one will soon change to the equivalent of starter_dev. The community is moving away from defaults and install profiles (previous methods of deploying Islandora 2.x).

This is intended to simplify the process for "getting your feet wet" and/or to standardize the "up" process in the same manner as docker-composer up does. As the community switched from one suggested method of building to the next, so does the "up" command. "up" should always point to the community's suggested build process. ❌ Although it currently doesn't.


  1. If the docker-compose.yml exists it starts the containers else it runs the make demo command.
  2. Updates the settings.php file.
  3. The rechecks "secrets" via the "secrets script". See below.


make starter

This is intended to be ran once to build the site and generate a codebase directory. Afterwards, you can either run make up to start the containers or make a custom.Makefile to start it. See How to fork and use isle-dc for your institution for more information on the custom.Makefile. Part of the installation includes an optional starter theme and some starter-kit logic.


  1. Downloads the defaults certs
  2. Generates the docker-compose.yml file
  3. Fetches the docker images specified in the docker-compose.yml file using the container image release tag set in the .env file
  4. Creates the codebase/ directory if it doesn't exist.
  5. Run a command to create a new Drupal site in the codebase/ directory. (composer create-project islandora/islandora-starter-site:dev-main)
  6. Sets the file permissions needed for Drupal to run for the codebase directory.
  7. Starts the containers
  8. Updates the settings.php file
  9. Hydrate the site. See "Hydrate" below.
  10. Migrate the FITS tags into the site (drush migrate:import islandora_fits_tags)
  11. Runs a command that displays a URL to set the admin password in the UI.


make starter_dev 

This is intended to build using an existing codebase and bind mounts the codebase directory.


  1. Downloads the defaults certs
  2. Generates the docker-compose.yml file
  3. Fetches the docker images specified in the docker-compose.yml file using the container image release tag set in the .env file
  4. Uses the existing codebase/ directory if it exists otherwise it clones
  5. Sets the file permissions needed for Drupal to run for the codebase directory.
  6. Starts the containers
  7. Run composer install from within the Drupal container.
  8. Updates the settings.php file
  9. Hydrate the site. See "Hydrate" below.
  10. Migrate the FITS tags into the site (drush migrate:import islandora_fits_tags)
  11. Runs a command that displays a URL to set the admin password in the UI.



Hydrating a Drupal docker container refers to the process of initializing the container with the necessary data and settings to run a Drupal site. This typically involves:

Setting up the database: The container needs to be configured to connect to a database, either by using an existing database or by creating a new one.

Copying Drupal files: The container needs to have the necessary Drupal files, including the core code and any custom modules, themes, or libraries.

Configuring Drupal settings: The container needs to be configured with the necessary settings to run a Drupal site, including site name, site email, default language, and other site-specific settings.

Importing data: If you're migrating an existing Drupal site to a container, you may need to import the existing data into the container.

Hydrating a Drupal docker container is typically done when creating a new container or when updating an existing container with new data or settings. This ensures that the container is properly configured and ready to run a Drupal site.

Secrets Script

Several of the microservices need passwords (db passwords, UI login passwords, root passwords, etc.).

  1. If not empty, then it checks if any of the passwords specified in the secrets/live/ directory match any of the defaults found in the secrets/template/ directory and warns to update before deploying to a production environment.
  2. Or if there are missing passwords or if the secrets/live/ directory is empty, it will prompt the user as seen in this image. Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 10 32 34 AM
  3. This will run every time you build the site or restart it.

Starter Theme

To Do