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Islandora Foundation Community edited this page Apr 20, 2022 · 6 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. The hosting can be claimed by anybody with the host ID. The Host ID is in the header of the TAG slack channel.

Chair Roster

These are the core members of TAG and will take on chair of the meeting if there are no volunteers, and will support volunteers who are chairing for the first time:

  • Don
  • Seth
  • Rosie
  • Willow πŸͺ‘


  • Willow Gillingham (Chair)
  • Don Richards
  • Rosie Le Faive
  • Yamil Suarez
  • Rebel Cummings-Sauls
  • Alan Stanley
  • Alexander O'Neill
  • Jordan Dukart
  • Melissa Anez
  • Seth Shaw
  • Isabella Nikolaidis (notes)


Note that links are to the document repository only. New issues in other repositories or organizations will not appear in this list, and should be added by interested parties directly to the agenda.

  1. Admin notes from Isabella
  • Issue queues within current islandora repositories have been opened
  • Added Issue and Bug report templates to islandora/documentation repository. Thank you Yamil for notes!
  1. Issue Roundup - Link sorted by date
  2. PR Roundup- Link sorted by date
  3. Question about Isle deployment best practices:

    When setting up isle_dc for staging/production, do you fork and version-control isle_dc? Just your codebase? Both altogether or both separately with codebase as a git submodule? Or does "production" mean customizing build-kit?

    We now have Isle running on a test server with the new install profile in the codebase, but we want to start bringing in all of our local changes and making any other necessary updates so we can eventually build a production site from it.

  4. Feel free to add more, or add something from Islandora Discussions



  • Willow: Core Drupal does not seem to work for image styles
  • Rosie: Could it be a Fedora admin thing - test a user without that?
  • Seth: May not impact reading but it may impact trying to read them back
  • Don: workaround fix may be to clear IIIF cache and scrape all of those admin
  • Jordan: You probably don't want to press derivatives to Fedora unless you have a use case for it

Issue Roundup


    • Alan: Run tesseract once, it consumes a ton of CPUs, running 5 times
    • Rosie: What kind of batch process were you using?
    • Alan: it should be the same for all, but was using workbench.
      • Bringing in a ton of pages with images, as derivatives are being fired, OCR fails quickly
    • Jordan: Sounds like Crayfish tuning?
    • Alan: Think its within the greyfish container.
    • Alan: Trying to run 5 processes at the same time.
    • Jordan: In Tesseract, OMP_THREAD_LIMIT is set to 5 by default, could set an environment variable to tune it down?
    • Alan: Alpaca can send the number of recurrence and retries, but it looks like Alpaca doesn't know the container is ordering two things at once
    • Seth: Is that maybe then a buildkit thing?
    • Alan: Maybe one OCR at a time could be a bigger solution?

    • Jordan: Drupal introduced another setting for field formatters, Islandora uses this and now test breaks
    • Rosie: If we add this, will it break Drupal 9.3?
    • Jordan: See if can config schema from core
      • Looks involved as a process, so it would be minting a release where you'd also drop support - odd
    • Jordan: Use case for this field format? Is it being used anywhere?
    • Rosie: If you're formatting an image - looks like it may be used
    • Seth: This is also what allows you to display thumbnails, click on thumbnail, takes you to the child rather than the media itself.
    • Willow: If there's a site in Drupal 9.2 and they're updating, will it blow up their configuration?
    • Jordan: No for the core ones, but not sure for any derivatives of them.
    • Jordan: Requires messing around with config schema. Islandora module proper has to change.
    • Rosie: is it bad to tag the current stack as before Drupal 9.4? Then release fixes as specified for Drupal 9.4 ...
    • Jordan: But do we really want to track and maintain two branches?

    • Don: Documentation missing for for_all_sites
      • will take another look at it
    • Jordan: fix in main branch that hasn't been released yet

    • Don: As far as restoring secrets, it's not going to do it - it'll regenerate them if you delete them.
    • Seth: Usually you put your codebase in version control so you have to explicitly start ignoring these secreets. Not good to have secrets in version control. The way that this would work is backing up to a backup server rather than putting it in a repo. If you're restoring from a backup strategy, you'd be backing up your ISLE folder, not just codebase.
    • Yamil: From running ISLE 7, using the euqivalent of secrets in the repository - and this allows to recreate the local or staging again by checking out the repository and when you build mySQL will have the right password
    • Don: Generate fresh secrets each time for your local - it won't affect any of the setup at all, it will update your default admin password for Drupal but it shouldn't interefere with anything else in your repo.
    • Don: Wouldn't do version control for secrets directory.
  • Seth: Best practices for ISLE deployment? Do we fork

    • Don: Borndigital using images straight from community, didn't have a fork - hard to find a reason to host your own if the community is keeping it up to date
    • Seth to follow up with discussion in Slack
    • Seth: Need a management practice for ISLE deployment
    • Don: for ISLE DC, would fork it so you can start submitting upstream. Set the codebase ignore and then git will recognize that you made a change to your fork and not to the stream.
    • Don:

Pull Request Roundup

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