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rebeccapower edited this page May 10, 2023 · 5 revisions

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  • Don Richards
  • Willow Gillingham
  • Amy Blau
  • Rebecca Power (notes)


  • Luke: contributing other people’s code and the language is the LSAP--was an answer received from Kirsta?<-- Kirsta here, I'm not a lawyer, but if you're using licensed code, that license will specify what you can do with it. If you are not violating the terms of the original license, you should be okay. Reach out with specific examples when they arise in PRs if you need Foundation support.
  • TAG Meetings & how open they should be--has anything changed from the previous meeting?<-- Kirsta here: The idea is that TAG has monthly open agendas/meetings and that interested people who have something to contribute can come. If somebody is being disruptive, do tell me or the Code of conduct committee. Please note that when necessary, confidential discussions can be had on the closed TAG channel and that private channel can be used to schedule closed meetings as needed. I hope that we'll all be as transparent as is possible and safe.
  • KS Added: Could you please review the list of committers and specify: a) who should be moved to the emeritus list, b) who you want me to write to find out if they still intend to contribute? I propose moving Jonathan Green and Bethany Seeger to the Emeritus Committers, and then I write a form letter to Melissa, Bryan, Debbie, Gavin, and Alan seeing if they still want to be a committer (I could be wrong and some of these people could be active, or I could have missed other inactive folks, your feedback welcomed).
  • KS Added: I'd like to update all the Migration documentation. Rebel started this doc I've been working on: -Is this revised 'overview' an improvement? - Should the following things should be deprecated, and if not, what changes need to be made to clarify the use of whatever shouldn't be deprecated?,
  • Interest Group updates?
  • Islandora Events?

Meeting Minutes

  • Joint leadership and ICC are discussing ways to help people in the community know who’s doing what and where things are happening. A spreadsheet has been started to try to do some crowdsourcing.
    • Are there any red flags or encouragements from this body in terms of sharing this, the wording, etc?
      • Amy to raise questions: What is the use case for this? The broader community or just developers?
  • Committers List
    • Should committers who haven’t contributed after 2 years be moved to the Emeritus Committers? Who do we want to reach out to to see if they intend to contribute?
      • What about committers who are active in commenting on tickets but are not contributing? People can still comment without being a committer.
      • Clarity needed on why this cleanup is happening, especially for people are active in contributing to the conversations but not the code anymore.
  • Migration documentation
    • Workbench isn’t going to be everybody’s solution.
    • Migrate Islandora CSV should not be deprecated but should have more info around it.
    • A Migrate Module can do things that workbench can’t: types of transforms to the metadata.
    • Workbench has something for 7x.
    • Want to ask providers and institutions what they would be using if they are going from 7-8.
      • Amy: everyone she knows is using workbench.
  • TAG Meetings: Lately there has been a strong sense of β€˜what is the point of these meetings?’ The waters have been muddied. It used to be very technical. An eye to strategy and security.
    • This is potentially a bigger governance discussion.
  • Scalability of Islandora and benchmarking issues. What can we do about this?

Action Items

  • Amy to reach out to Kirsta and follow-up with the Committer List and Migration Documentation.
  • Luke to review Kirsta’s response about contributing and the LSAP in the May 10, 2023 agenda to ensure everything has been addressed.

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