This repo is everything you need to run a server for The Spaghetti Detective, the coolest, AI-based solution for 3D printer remote management and monitoring.
The core of this project is based on a Deep Learning model. See how the model works on real data.
The Spaghetti Detective server needs to run on a real computer (Not a Pi, unfortunately. Rapberry Pi, or Latte Panda, is just not powerful enough to run the Machine Learning model). On that server, make sure the following softwares are installed:
Docker and Docker-compose. But you don't have to understand how Docker or Docker-compose works.
- Install Docker (Windows, Ubuntu, Mac).
- Install Docker-compose.
git and git-lfs. This is because the model itself is 100+MB and therefore can't be directly checked into git.
You will also need an email account that has SMTP access enabled. For a gmail account, this is how you enable SMTP access. Other web mail such as Yahoo should also work but we haven't tried them.
- Get the code:
git clone
Run it! Do either one of these based on what OS you are using:
- If you are on Linux:
cd TheSpaghettiDetective && sudo docker-compose up -d
- If you are on Mac:
cd TheSpaghettiDetective && docker-compose up -d
- If you are on Windows: ??? (help needed here)
- If you are on Linux:
Go grab a coffee. Step 2 would take up to 30 minutes. BTW, we need help to shorten this process. Let us know if you can pitch in.
There is no step 4. This is how easy it is to get The Spaghetti Detective up and running (thanks to Docker and Docker-compose).
These are the bare minimum configuration required for the server to be functional.
The Spaghetti Detective server needs to have an IP address that is accessible by OctoPrint. It can be an private IP address (192.168.x.y, etc) but there needs to be a route between OctoPrint and The Spaghetti Detective server.
The Spaghetti Detective server listens on port 3334 (will be configurable in later version). Please make sure this port is not blocked from OctoPrint.
You can set up a reverse-proxy, such as nginx, in front of The Spaghetti Detective server, so that it's exposed on a different port. In this case, please use whichever port you choose to expose in the steps below. For simplicity sake, this document assumes the server port is 3334.
Open Django admin page at
Login with username
, passwordsupersecret
. Once logged in, you can optionally (but highly encouraged to) change admin password using this link:http://your_server_ip:3334/admin/app/user/1/password/
On Django admin page, click "Sites", and click the only entry "" to bring up the site you need to configure. Change "Domain name" to
. No "http://", "https://" prefix or trailing "/", otherwise it will NOT work. -
Click "Save". Yes it's correct that Django is not as smart as most people think. ;)
The following is using gmail as an example. Other web mail services may vary slightly, such as EMAIL_PORT
directory, find and opendocker-compose.yml
using your favorite editor. -
Find the following lines, and set them to the correct values of your email account:
EMAIL_HOST: # -> such as
EMAIL_HOST_USER: # -> such as your email address for a Gmail account
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD: # -> your email account password
That's it! You now have a fully-functionally The Spaghetti Detective server that your OctoPrint can talk to. We hope setting up the server has not been overwhelming.
On The Spaghetti Detective plugin settings page:
Check the box "I have my own TSD server. Don't check this unless you know what you are doing."
. This time you need to enter both "http://" and the trailing "/". I know it's confusing but... -
Click "Save". OctoPrint isn't necessarily smarter than Django after all.
git pull
sudo docker-compose up --build -d
Just make a copy of TheSpaghettiDetective/web/db.sqlite