Assistant built for the Google Voice AIY that can understand and respond to user voice queries.
- Hotword detection
- Speech recognition
- Text-to-speech
- Persistent memory between sessions
- Changing button LED colors
- Ability to change device volume
- Ability to store queries that are not understood
- Ability to give device IP address
- Ability to stream or download and play audio from YouTube
More features, such as ability to play music and record audio on demand, are planned for the future
This program is built for the Google AIY Voice Kit. It may not work on other devices.
Run git clone
or download it.
It shouldn't matter where you download it.
I used ~/AIY-projects-python/src/aiy/recognizer because that's where most of the modules I needed were
Install all necessary dependencies with apt and pip. Modules that are needed have been included.
If you get an error installing with pip3, then try running the commands using pip instead.
sudo apt-get install python-pyaudio python3-pyaudio sox
sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev
sudo apt-get install espeak
sudo -H pip3 install --upgrade youtube-dl
pip3 install pyaudio
pip3 install pyttsx3
pip3 install speechrecognition
pip3 install python-vlc
pip3 install bespon
Configure the project
You will need an account on Houndify to use speech recognition.
Create a project and save the project and client ID keys for later.
Next, head over to the Snowboy Dashboard.
You can train a custom voice model or use a universal model.
You will need to download the .pmdl/.umdl file onto the device.
Now run the file and follow the instructions.
When you are asked to enter a path to install to, you can use a relative path like "./files", or an absolute path, like "/~/AIY-projects-python/src/aiy/recognizer/files"
When you are asked to enter a path to your Snowboy model, you can use a relative path from the file, such as "./model.pmdl", or an abslolute path, like "/~/AIY-projects-python/src/aiy/recognizer/model.pmdl"
First run:
into the repository if not already in it
Run python3
You can enter commands by pressing the button and speaking or by entering text in the shell and pressing the enter key.
Press Ctrl+C
to exit and close the program
You should be good to go. If you have an issue, report it here
Start at boot
There is a .service file included in this repo if you want to run the assistant at startup. To enable it, run the following commands in a shell:
Create the symlink
sudo ln -s ``pwd``/assistant.service /lib/systemd/system
Reload the service files so the system knows about this new one
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Enable the program to run at boot
sudo systemctl enable assistant.service
Now, you can start the program manually or reboot, and the code in will start. Pressing the button on the AIY will then start the assistant.
Start the program manually
sudo service assistant start
Show program logs
sudo journalctl -u assistant -f
Unfortunately, there is no way to provide keyboard input to the assistant while it is running as a service, so you can only provide commands using voice recognition.
Want to help?
Leave a pull request for features that should be added.
Additional commands that should be added are also welcome.