Original from andya ät apache.org
Modified version from Mario Brandt / JBlond
If you host a lot of virtual servers on a single Apache box and use the supplied rotatelogs program to rotate the access logs you'll notice that your process table is cluttered up with an instance of rotatelogs for each virtual server. With mod_log_rotate the log rotation is handled by the server process so you save a bunch of processes and file descriptors.
Note: error log files can not be rotated with this module.
See build.md
Copy mod_log_rotate.so to your Apache 2.4.x modules folder
LoadModule log_rotate_module modules/mod_log_rotate.so
RotateLogs On
You can specify a strftime() format string as the log file name.
CustomLog logs/%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.access.log common
RotateLogs On|Off Enable / disable automatic log rotation. Once enabled
mod_log_rotate takes responsibility for all log output
server wide even if RotateLogs Off is subsequently
used. That means that the BufferedLogs directive that
is implemented by mod_log_config will be ignored.
RotateLogsLocalTime Normally the log rotation interval is based on UTC.
For example an interval of 86400 (one day) will cause
the logs to rotate at UTC 00:00. When this option is
on, log rotation is timed relative to the local time.
RotateInterval Set the interval in seconds for log rotation. The
default is 86400 (one day). The shortest interval that
can be specified is 60 seconds. An optional second
argument specifies an offset in minutes which is
applied to UTC (or local time if RotateLogsLocalTime
is on). For example RotateInterval 86400 60 will
cause logs to be rotated at 23:00 UTC.
A wrong configured placeholder for strftime causes a crash in the module. So if you use Y% instead of %Y apache crashes with a segfault. This bug is confirmed on Windows and might happen on *nix based systems, too. On Windows it is the call of strftime in timestr.c (APR) line ~ 190 [win32_strftime_extra]
mod_log_rotate.c original source code under the Apache License Version 2.0 is no longer available.
Contributers are welcome. Open Pull request or file an issue.