Final project for LOG4715 class in PolyMtl
Clone the given Github repository. Be sure to have an updated version of Python (3.10.13 is the one I can guarantee the usage). Please install all the libraries written in the requirements.txt file by running: pip install -r requirements.txt.
Create a new private key named my_key_pair.pem using AWS and put it in a /key/ directory in the same folder as the project.
Once the previous steps are completed, you can execute the Python file from the Final_project_LOG4715E/setup directory. The code will run in a Python terminal. The benchmark is done once the SQL server and user are set up.
After it completes the setup for the stand-alone and cluster MySQL, you will need to create three other terminals and run a few commands to configure the SQL server/user, the Proxy and the Gatekeeper/Trusted Host.