- We make 8 constant slots for the players. If there are less than 8 players, the slots will be empty.
- Tasks: Leon: databases and backend, Niklas: backend, Jona: frontend
JSON code:
"roles": {
"bigBlind": "idxx",
"smallBlind": "idyy",
"activePlayer": "idzz"
"players": [
"id": "idxx",
"name": "Leon",
"money": -42,
"setThisRound": 250
"id": "idyy",
"name": "Niklas",
"money": -42,
"setThisRound": 250
"id": "idzz",
"name": "Leon",
"money": -42,
"setThisRound": 250
"id": "4",
"name": "Leon",
"money": -42,
"setThisRound": 250
"id": "5",
"name": "Leon",
"money": -42,
"setThisRound": 250
"id": "6",
"name": "Leon",
"money": -42,
"setThisRound": 250
"card1": {
"color": "P",
"card": 7
"card2": {
"color": "H",
"card": 36
"card3": {
"color": "C",
"card": 25
"card4": {
"color": "null",
"card": 0
"card5": {
"color": "null",
"card": 0
- Define database structure. Create ERM with yEd
- Use MVC: Start with controller in PHP for API
- Implement database object classes
- Think again about game logic... Next steps will be discussed then
- Make HTML & CSS prototype
- AJAX: load JSON and update poker table
- Jona: Create database and send others credentials