This project is a simple JavaScript-based calculator that can perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The calculator is built using object-oriented programming principles, ensuring clear and maintainable code. The user interface (UI) is designed with HTML and CSS, while the calculator's functionality is handled by JavaScript.
- Basic Arithmetic Operations: Supports addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
- Clear: Reset the calculator to its default state. -Delete: Remove the last entered digit.
- Real-Time Display: Updates the display as numbers are inputted or operations are performed.
- Decimal Support: Handles decimal numbers and ensures correct input format.
- index.html: Contains the structure of the calculator UI.
- style.css: Styles the calculator interface.
- script.js: Contains the JavaScript code to manage calculator operations.
The Calculator class manages the state and functionality of the calculator.
constructor(previousOperandTextElement, currentOperandTextElement): Initializes the calculator with elements for displaying the previous and current operands.
clear(): Resets all variables to their default state.
delete(): Removes the last digit from the current operand.
appendNumber(number): Adds a number or decimal point to the current operand.
chooseOperation(operation): Chooses the operation (addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division) and prepares the calculator to compute the result.
compute(): Performs the selected arithmetic operation and updates the display with the result.
getDisplayNumber(number): Formats the number for display, adding commas as necessary and preserving decimal points.
updateDisplay(): Updates the calculator’s display based on the current state.
numberButtons: Adds event listeners to all number buttons to append digits to the current operand.
operationButtons: Adds event listeners to all operation buttons to select the operation to be performed.
equalsButton: Computes and displays the result when the equals button is clicked.
allClearButton: Resets the calculator when the "AC" button is clicked.
deleteButton: Removes the last digit when the "DEL" button is clicked.
- Clone or download the project.
- Open the index.html file in your browser.
- Use the on-screen buttons to perform calculations.
- Keyboard Support: Allow users to use their keyboard for input.
- Additional Operations: Implement more advanced mathematical operations like square root, exponentiation, etc.
- Memory Functions: Include memory storage functions to save and recall previous calculations.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute this code as per the terms of the license.