Clone and install dependencies
git clone
cd mockup
bundle install
I already installed bourbon, neat and bitters (meaning you don't have to run these in this repo). If you create your own projects, you will have to install them yourselves:
cd stylesheets
bourbon install
neat install
bitters install
Start the sass server to watch and compile sass to css:
sass --watch stylesheets:public
Useful sass mixins that simplify styles. Neat and Bitters depend on this.
Don't change anything in the generated bourbon
Used for layouts and positioning.
Don't change anything in the generated neat
A simple scaffold of styles, variable, and structure. Drop it into your project for a small amount of default styling that you can work off of.
Do change things in the generated bitters
Reuseable components that you can paste into your project for common interface elements like navigation, accordions, badges, etc.
Copy and paste the HTML and CSS for these into your project.