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vs-code masto.js snippets

Useful masto.js javascript to improve your masto experience

Supported languages (file extensions)

  • JavaScript (.js)
  • TypeScript (.ts)


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Snippets info

in the moment masto snippet have also snippets for:

  • accounts
  • statuses


its look like:

import { login } from 'masto';

async function main() {
    const masto = await login({
        url: '',
        accessToken: 'TOKEN',

main().catch((error) => {

Statuses Repository

prefix Snippet Propuser
ms-status-fetch MastoStatusFetch fetch to View information about a status
ms-status-create MastoStatusCreate create to Post a new status
ms-status-cwi MastoStatusCreateWithImage create status with image
ms-status-update MastoStatusUpdate update a status
ms-status-Remove MastoStatusRemove delete one of your own statuses
ms-status-fc MastoStatusFetchContext fetchContext View statuses above and below this status in the thread
ms-status-favourite MastoStatusFavourite add a status to your favourites list
ms-status-unfavourite MastoStatusUnFavourite remove a status to your favorites list
ms-status-mute MastoStatusMute do not receive notifications for the thread that this status is part of.
ms-status-unmute MastoStatusUnMute start receiving notifications again for the thread that this status is part of
ms-status-frb MastoStatusFetchRebloggedBy view who boosted a given status
ms-status-ffb MastoStatusFetchFavouritedBy view who favourited a given status
ms-status-reblog MastoStatusReblob reblog re-share a status
ms-status-unreblog MastoStatusUnreblog undo a re-share of a status
ms-status-pin MastoStatusPin feature one of your own public statuses at the top of your profile
ms-status-unpin MastoStatusUnPin un-feature a status from the top of your profile
ms-status-bookmark MastoStatusBookmark privately bookmark a status
ms-status-unbookmark MastoStatusUnBookmark remove a status from your private bookmarks
ms-status-fh MastoStatusFetchHistory fetch a history
ms-status-fs MastoStatusFetchSource fetch source

Accounts Repository

prefix Snippet Propuser
ms-account-fetch MastoAccountFetch fetch view information about a profile
ms-account-create MastoAccountCreate creates a user and account records. Returns an account access token
ms-account-vc MastoAccountVerifyCredentials test to make sure that the user token works
ms-account-uc MastoAccountUpdateCredentials update credentials update the user's display and preferences
ms-account-ffs MastoAccountFetchFollowers fetch followers give accounts which followv the given account
ms-account-ffg MastoAccountFetchFollowing fetch following give which the given account is following
ms-account-fs MastoAccountFetchStatuses fetch statuses Statuses posted to the given account
ms-account-follow MastoAccountFollow follow the given account
ms-account-unfollow MastoAccountUnFollow unfollow the given accoun
ms-account-fr MastoAccountFetchRelationship fetch relationships out whether a given account is followed, blocked, etc
ms-account-search MastoAccountSearch search for matching accounts by username or display name
ms-account-block MastoAccountBlock block the given account
ms-account-unblock MastoAccountUnBlock unblock the given account
ms-account-pin MastoAccountPin pin add the given account to the user's featured profiles
ms-account-unpin MastoAccountUnPin remove the given account from the user's featured profiles
ms-account-fl MastoAccountFetchLists Fetch the list with the given ID. Used for verifying the title of a list
ms-account-mute MastoAccountMute mute the given account.
ms-account-unmute MastoAccountUnMute unmute the given account.
ms-account-cn MastoAccountCreateNote createNote
ms-account-ftt MastoAccountFetchFeaturedTags get featured tag of the account
ms-account-fip MastoAccountFetchIdentityProofs identity proofs
ms-account-lookup MastoAccountLookup This method allows to quickly convert a username of a known account to an ID that can be used with the REST API
ms-account-fff MastoAccountFetchFamiliarFollowers fetch familiar followers
ms-account-rff MastoAccountRemoveFromFollowers remove from followers

App Repository

prefix Snippet Propuser
ms-app-create MastoAppCreate create a new application to obtain OAuth2 credentials
ms-app-vc MastoAppVerifyCredentials confirm that the app's OAuth2 credentials work

Announcements Repository

prefix Snippet Propuser
ms-announcement-fa MastoAnnouncementFetchAll fetch announcements
ms-announcement-dismiss MastoAnnouncementDismiss dismiss announcements
ms-announcement-ar MastoAnnouncementAddReaction add a reaction to announcements
ms-announcement-rr MastoAnnouncementRemoveReaction remove reaction to announcements

Blocks Repository

prefix Snippet Propuser
ms-block MastoBlockedIterate blocked users

Bookmarks Repository

prefix Snippet Propuser
ms-bookmark MastoBookmarkIterate Statuses the user has bookmarked

Conversation Repository

prefix Snippet Propuser
ms-conversation MastoConversationIterate Show conversation
ms-conversation-remove MastoConversationRemove Show conversation
ms-conversation-read MastoConversationRead Show conversation

CustomEmoji Repository

prefix Snippet Propuser
ms-custom-emoji MastoCustomEmojiFetchAll return custom emojis that are available on the server

Directory Repository

prefix Snippet Propuser
ms-directory-fa MastoDirectory List accounts visible in the directory.

DomainBlock Repository

prefix Snippet Propuser
ms-domain-block-iterate MastoDomainBlockIterate view domains the user has blocked
ms-domain-block-create MastoDomainBlock block a domain
ms-domain-block-remove MastoDomainUnBlock remove a domain block

others coming soon...