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Releases: Jacob22092/StudyTools

StudyTools v1.2.0 🎉

06 Jun 20:48
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StudyTools Releases 🚀

Welcome to the StudyTools releases page! Here you can find all the latest updates, new features, and improvements. Stay up-to-date with the latest enhancements and fixes.

Latest Release 🆕

v1.2.0 - Major Update 🎉

Release Date: 2024-06-01

What's New:

  • Text Recognition Improvements: Enhanced OCR capabilities for better accuracy. 🔍
  • New Tools Added:
    • LibreOffice: Free office suite compatible with Microsoft Office. 📝
    • Overleaf: Online LaTeX editor for academic documents. 📄
    • Notion: Note-taking and project management tool. 🗂️
    • Trello: Kanban-based project management tool. 📋
    • Anki: Flashcard-based learning tool. 🎓
    • Forest Free: Focus app that helps you stay productive. 🌳
    • Habitica: Task and habit management app in the form of an RPG game. 🕹️
    • Audacity: Free audio recording and editing tool. 🎧


  • UI Enhancements: Updated design for a more modern and user-friendly interface. 🎨
  • Category Filtering: Filter tools by category with new buttons. 📂
  • Multi-language Support: Automatic detection and translation based on browser language settings. 🌐

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed various issues causing slow load times. 🐞
  • Improved responsiveness for mobile devices. 📱

Previous Releases 📜

v1.1.0 - Feature Update ✨

Release Date: 2024-05-01

What's New:

  • Tool Suggestions: Users can now suggest new tools via Google Forms. 📝
  • Cookie Consent: Added cookie consent popup for GDPR compliance. 🍪


  • Enhanced performance and SEO. 🚀
  • Added more tool categories and filtering options. 🗃️

v1.0.0 - Initial Release 🎉

Release Date: 2024-04-01


  • Text Recognition Tools: OCR App and OCR App 2.0 for text recognition from images. 📄
  • Graphic Tools: PhotoRoom, Photopea, and Canva for graphic editing and design. 🎨
  • Project Management Tools: GoodTape for video editing and transcription. 🎬

Stay tuned for more updates and improvements. Thank you for using StudyTools! 🙏

How to Update

To update to the latest version, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd StudyTools
  3. Pull the latest changes:
    git pull origin main

Feedback and Contributions

We welcome your feedback and contributions! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Let's build a great tool repository together! 🌟
