The ESP32-Tyranitar project is centered around the widely-used and budget-friendly microcontroller, ESP32, aiming to breathe life into one of Generation 2's iconic Pokémon, Tyranitar. Upon activation through a simple tap on the model, Tyranitar unleashes its distinctive cry sound, accompanied by a dynamic display of intense flickering lights, showcasing the characteristic of this pokemon based on it's description.
The code is written in micropython.
ESP32 microcontroller: Versatile microcontroller for small IOT project that's perfect for controlling various hardware modules with saving power consumption with the deep sleep mode.
Sensor Integration: Utilize tap sensor for interactivity and is used to trigger to mode to wake up from deep sleep mode.
Lighting Effects: Intense flickering of multiple red LEDs upon waking up from deep sleep mode, followed by gentle breathing effect.
Sound Generation: Plays iconic cry of pokemon, Tyranitar upon waking up from deep sleep mode.
- ESP32
- Mini metal speaker
- Max98357 I2S Amplifier Breakout
- Tap sensor
- 3mm red LED diodes (x4)
- 100 ohm resistor (for red LEDs) . AA-3V junction box for battery
- wires
- 3D printed Tyranitar by 3dfux
ESP32 pin out is based on espressif page.
Usage | PINs |
tap sensor | 36 |
LED | 23 |
I2S: SCK | 26 |
I2S: WS | 25 |
I2S: SD | 22 |
I2S implementation to play music is based on micropython-i2s-examples by @miketeachman.