├─ Phase 3
├─ Src
├─ Backend
├─ Headers
└─ Cache.h
├─ Common.h
├─ Decode.h
├─ Execute.h
├─ Fetch.h
├─ MeMAccess.h
├─ Pipeline.h
├─ Predictor.h
└─ Writeback.h
├─ Hazard.h
├─ clock.txt
├─ debug.cpp
├─ inst.mc
├─ main.cpp
├─ memory.txt
├─ output.txt
├─ register.txt
└─ test.cpp
├─ Frontend
├─ pycache
├─ clock.txt
├─ functions.py
├─ gui_main.py
├─ hazard.txt
├─ memory.txt
├─ output.txt
├─ register.txt
└─ stages.txt
├─ doc
├─ design-doc.docx
├─ test
├─ bubblesort.mc
├─ compare.mc
├─ fib.mc
├─ fibonacci.mc
├─ search.mc
├─ simple_add.mc
├─ sum_of_array.mc
├─ test.mc
└─ test.txt
└─ Readme.md
└─ .gitignore
For running programme:
First, make sure stteamlit library is installed for python GUI. \
$pip install streamlit
Then, open terminal and run following instructions:
$cd Phase 3
$cd src
$cd Backend
$streamlit run gui_main.py
You will get your desired output on the GUI.
- ABHISHEK JAISWAL (2021csb1061@iitrpr.ac.in)
- AJAYBEER SINGH (2021csb1063@iitrpr.ac.in)
- AKANKSH CAIMI (2021csb1064@iitrpr.ac.in)
- DEVANSHU DHAWAN (2021csb1082@iitrpr.ac.in)