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Binary Search Tree (BST) Implementation

This project provides an implementation of a balanced Binary Search Tree (BST) in JavaScript. The code includes a Tree class to handle the BST and a Node class to define each node within the tree.

Table of Contents


This BST implementation allows for efficient insertion, deletion, searching, and traversal of elements. Additionally, the tree can rebalance itself to maintain optimal performance.


  • Node insertion and deletion
  • Balancing of the tree
  • Tree traversal (in-order, pre-order, post-order, level-order)
  • Height, depth, and balance checking
  • Automatic rebalancing

Class Structure

Node Class

The Node class represents each node in the BST.

class Node {
    constructor(value = null, left = null, right = null) {
        this.value = value;
        this.left = left;
        this.right = right;

Tree Class

The Node class represents each node in the BST.

cclass Tree {
    constructor(array) {
        this.root = this.buildTree(array);
    // Additional methods...

Installation and Usage

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone
  2. Include the Node and Tree classes in your JavaScript project.
  3. Initialize a new Tree instance with an array of values:
    let tree = new Tree([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]);


Inserting and Deleting a Node

tree.insert(8);   // Inserts 8 into the tree
tree.delete(3);   // Deletes the node with value 3 from the tree

Checking if the Tree is balanced

tree.isBalanced();   // Returns true if the tree is balanced, false otherwise

Rebalancing the Tree

tree.rebalance();    // Rebalances the tree if it is unbalanced


Tree Class Methods

buildTree(array) // Builds a balanced BST from a sorted array.
insert(data) // Inserts a new node into the BST.
delete(data) // Deletes a node from the BST.
find(data)  // Finds a node with the specified value.
isBalanced() // Checks if the tree is balanced.
rebalance() // Rebalances the tree if it is unbalanced.

Traversal Methods

inOrder(callback) // In-order traversal of the BST.
preOrder(callback) // Pre-order traversal of the BST.
postOrder(callback) // Post-order traversal of the BST.
levelOrder(callback) // Level-order traversal of the BST.


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