Skeleton Key is an application framework inspired by Wes Bos's Advanced React Course. It uses React, Next.js, Apollo Client, GraphQL Yoga, and Prisma.
Use git to clone the three pieces of Skeleton Key:
git clone
git clone
git clone
Skeleton Key has the ability to bootstrap it's backend, and do a few simple tasks that makes setting up a new backend/db a breeze. First ensure you have the Prisma CLI installed.
npm i prisma -g
Then log in to prisma cloud:
prisma login
Then run our bootstrap script with the -f flag. Currently -f is the only flag available, but there may be others in the future:
cd skeleton-key-backend
node bootstrap.js -f
The bootstrapper will ask several questions, then you'll be able to run:
npm run dev
to start your development backend.
In the frontend (skeleton-key-frontend):
npm run dev
In the backend (skeleton-key_backend):
npm run dev
Skeleton Key comes with it's backend model set up for you, so you already have a fully functioning application with user authentication and password recovery (provided you've put in your mailtrap details!) Isn't that sweet? But let's say you need to add another field to our data model.
TODO: Add examples of changing the datamodel and deploying to prisma.
The purpose of Skeleton Key is simple: To provide the fastest boilerplate for a full-stack web application. I couldn't find any great starting points for the kinds of applications I wanted to build. There's tons out there like django-cookiecutter that make it crazy easy to spin up apps; just not in the tech I wanted to use.
A shell script that can be added to your .zshrc or .bashrc easily spin up new projects, and open their respective frontend and backends. DISCLAIMER: It will overwrite if you supply a pre-existing directory as the project name.
function newproject() {
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "No project name supplied."
exit 1
mkdir ./"$1"
cd "$1"
git clone &&
git clone &&
git clone
function openproject() {
code ./skeleton-key-frontend
code ./skeleton-key-backend
Inspired by Wes Bos's Advanced React (seriously, go buy this.)
Thanks to WIP 🚧
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.