Shopster is a shopping cart interface developed as a part of my front-end internship at Foothill Technology Solutions. The application allows users to browse a variety of products, add them to a shopping cart, view cart details, remove items, and proceed to checkout. This project showcases my ability to manage state using React Contexts, Reducers, and Providers.
- Product Grid: Displays products in a grid format with name, image, and price.
- Add to Cart: Allows users to add products to the shopping cart.
- Cart Details: Lists all items added to the cart.
- Item Removal: Provides an option to delete individual items from the cart.
- Total Amount: Displays the cumulative price of the items in the cart.
- Checkout: Includes a form for users to input their name and email for order submission.
- Search Feature: Enables users to search for products by name.
Clone the Repository
git clone
Navigate to the Project Directory
cd Shopster
Install Dependencies
npm install
Start the Application
npm start
The application will run on
- React: JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- Material-UI (MUI): React components for faster and easier web development
- React Router: Library for routing in React applications
- This task is part of the Foothill Technology Solutions Internship Cycle.
- Big thanks to my trainer @Huthaifa

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