Simple app that takes in a .csv file and provides search and sort methods using various common algorithms.
- Start creation of GUI for application
- Create a way to read in the file in a usable way.
Added the ability to read a .csv file in using the DictReader method. This returned a list of dictionaries
for each bid. A print_bid method was added to print the bid ID, title, fund, and amount.
- Create a Bid class to hold the bid ID, title, fund and amount.
- Ensure that a bid from the .csv file can be loaded into an instance of the Bid class.
- Added Bid class that loads in a bid ID, title, fund, and amount for each bid in the .csv file.
Completed ability to iterate over a list of bids to check if the list of bid IDs matches an ID number passed in.
(Updated file to start reading eBid_Monthly_Sales.csv as this is larger. It required changing dictionary keys as they
are different in this file.)
- Added Bid class that loads in a bid ID, title, fund, and amount for each bid in the .csv file.
- Create a Node class that associates a Bid object.
- Complete Binary Search Tree structure
- Completed the an initial sort of the bid list by Bid ID. This allowed for the creation of a balanced binary search tree.
- The BinarySearchTree() method create_tree() was added to recursively create the balanced tree.
- Complete Search function and bid print out
- Completed search function search_tree(). with O(logn) complexity.
- Completed function display_all_bids() that displays all bids in order by recursive function over the balanced binary search tree.
- Completed bug fix on the create_tree() that causing an issue where not all nodes were being loaded into the balanced BST. This error was due to the improper list length being passed into the create_tree() function.