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One-shot algebraic effect handling and asynchronous I/O in Lua

This library is a proof of concept for implementing:

  • effect handling on top of Lua's coroutines (in pure Lua)
  • and on top of that effect handling system (i.e. without further use of coroutines):
    • fibers (lightweight threads)
    • asynchronous I/O

Some basic asynchronous I/O support is given for:

  • byte streams over local sockets or TCP sockets (including TCP server support)
  • subprocesses with stdin, stdout, and stderr

Moreover, a small example for integration with a third party C library (libpq from PostgreSQL) is included (Lua module neumond.pgeff, written in C).

Web applications can be built using the neumond.scgi module, which allows creating an SCGI application server using fibers and asynchronous I/O.

Overview of core modules (dependency tree)

  • neumond.effect (effect handling)
    • neumond.yield (abstract yield effect)
      • neumond.fiber (lightweight threads)
        • neumond.wait_posix_fiber
    • neumond.wait (platform independent waiting)
      • neumond.wait_posix (waiting for I/O on POSIX platforms)
        • neumond.wait_posix_blocking (waiting through blocking)
        • neumond.wait_posix_fiber (waiting in a fiber environment)
          • neumond.runtime (runtime for POSIX platforms)
        • neumond.eio (basic I/O)
      • neumond.sync (synchronization)
  • neumond.lkq (kqueue interface)
    • neumond.wait_posix_blocking
    • neumond.wait_posix_fiber
  • neumond.nbio (basic non-blocking I/O interface written in C)
    • neumond.eio

Names of modules written in C are marked as italic in the above tree. Duplicates due to multiple dependencies are non-bold.

Further modules are neumond.web, neumond.scgi, neumond.pgeff, and neumond.subprocess. Those (as well as neumond.wait_posix_blocking and neumond.wait_posix_fiber) are not documented in this documentation file; see source code (including test cases) instead.

Module neumond.runtime

This module provides a multi-fiber asynchronous I/O runtime for POSIX platforms. Use as follows:

local runtime = require "neumond.runtime"

local function main(...)
  -- You may spawn fibers or perform asynchronous I/O here.

  -- For example:
  local wait = require "neumond.wait"
  wait.timeout(1)() -- waits 1 second

return runtime(main, ...)

In addition to providing a runtime for fibers and asynchronous I/O, the runtime function will also stringify any uncaught errors and append stack traces (see also effect.stringify_errors).

Module neumond.effect

Module for algebraic effect handling implemented in pure Lua with no dependencies other than Lua's standard library.

The effect module allows to perform an effect (similar to an exception), which will then bubble up the stack until it hits a handler that "catches" the effect. Distinct from exception handlers, an effect handler may decide to resume the program flow at the position where the effect has been performed and also optionally modify the final return value of that continuation.

The following example demonstrates control flow using effects:

local effect = require "neumond.effect"

-- Define a new effect named "log":
local log ="log")

-- Function that uses the "log" effect
-- (without knowing what the log effect actually does):
function foo()
  local success = log("Hello World!")
  assert(success == true)

-- Run code while handling the log effect by printing:
local retval = effect.handle(
    -- The following function gets called when "log" is performed:
    [log] = function(resume, message)
      return resume(true) -- resume and pass return values (42 in this case)
    -- Anything in this function uses the above log handler
    -- that prints the message and resumes.
    log("Good bye.")
    return 42

assert(retval == 42)

The module provides the following functions and tables:

  • returns an object that is suitable to be used as an effect. Note that any other object can be used as an effect as well, but an object x returned by this function is automatically callable such that x(...) is a short form for effect.perform(x, ...). Moreover, the generated object has a string representation (using the __tostring metamethod) including the name, which may be useful for debugging.

  • effect.perform(eff, ...) performs the effect eff with optional arguments. May or may not return.

  • effect.handle(handlers, action, ...) calls the action function with given arguments and, during execution of the action function, handles those effects which are listed as key in the handlers table. The value in the handlers table is the corresponding handler, which is is a function that retrieves a continuation object (usually named "resume") as first argument followed by optional arguments that have been passed to the effect.perform function. Handlers may resume the action by calling the continuation, where optional arguments are returned by effect.perform then. If a continuation object needs to be called after an effect handler returned, it needs to be made persistent with the resume:persistent() method and can later be called or discontinued with resume:discontinue() (which closes all to-be-closed variables of the action). effect.handle returns the return values of the action function or the return values of the first invoked handler; return values of later invoked handlers or of the resumed action are returned by the corresponding resume calls.

  • effect.default_handlers is a table that maps an effect to a default handler function. If no effect handler but only a default handler is found, then the respective default handler function will be called with the arguments that have been passed to effect.perform (without a continuation object) and the return values of the default handler function are passed back to the caller of effect.perform.

  • effect.pcall(func, ...) calls func(...) and catches errors. Returns true followed by the return values of func in case of success, and false followed by an error message in case of a caught error. It differs from Lua's built-in pcall as it automatically attaches a stack trace to the error message (or stores it in an ephemeron if the error message is not a string) and it will not catch errors that are used to implement discontinuations. Use effect.pcall as a drop-in replacement for Lua's pcall if you deal with effects that may discontinue an action (e.g. when an effect handler does not resume).

  • effect.stringify_error(message) converts an error message into a string while appending any stored stack traces for that error message.

  • effect.stringify_errors(func, ...) calls func(...) and ensures that thrown error objects (except those used to implement discontinuations) are automatically stringified and get a stack trace appended. This function should be used as an outer wrapper if non-string error objects may be thrown, in order to see stack traces in case of unhandled errors.

  • effect.pcall_stringify_errors(...) is equivalent to effect.pcall(effect.stringify_errors, ...) but implemented slightly more efficiently.

A continuation resume (as passed to an effect handler) provides the following methods:

  • resume(...) resumes the continuation with given arguments.

  • resume:call(func, ...) resumes the continuation and calls func(...) in that context. The return values of func are passed to the performer of the effect (i.e. returned by effect.perform).

  • resume:call_only(func, ...) calls func(...) in the context as if it was called where effect.perform was invoked. When func returns, its return values are returned by the :call_only method. The continuation isn't resumed further but can still be resumed later.

  • resume:traceback() generates a stack trace of the continuation.

  • resume:perform(eff, ...) performs the effect eff in the current context while providing a continuation to the respective effect handler, which represents the same continuation as resume. This method can be used to pass effects further down the stack, e.g. when an effect handler sometimes does not want to handle a particular effect. The original continuation (resume) must not be used after invoking this method.

  • resume:persistent() disables automatic discontinuation when the effect handler returns. The method returns resume for convenience.

  • resume:discontinue() closes all to-be-closed variables of the action, i.e. runs finalizers. This is implemented by throwing a special error object within the action and catching it.

Module neumond.yield

Module for yielding. The module also serves as an effect, thus it is possible to write:

local yield = require "neumond.yield"

The module's only effect (itself) is:

  • yield() allows an environment to yield and allow other program code to be executed. It is a no-op if no effect handler for yield is installed.

Module neumond.fiber

Module for lightweight threads implemented in pure Lua by using the effect module.

The module provides the following functions (of which some are implemented as effects, but usually shouldn't be handled manually):

  • fiber.scope(action, ...) runs the action function with given arguments as a fiber and allows spawning additional fibers from within that fiber. fiber.scope returns as soon as action returns, in which case any spawned fibers within action (that have not terminated yet) are automatically killed. Note that effect handlers installed from within the action function do not affect spawned fibers unless spawning the fibers is further wrapped within another invocation of fiber.scope.

  • fiber.try_current() obtains a handle for the currently running fiber or returns nil if there is no fiber running (e.g. when called from outside fiber.scope's action function).

  • fiber.current() obtains a handle for the currently running fiber. This function raises an error if there is no fiber running.

  • fiber.sleep() puts the currently running fiber to sleep. This function raises an error if there is no fiber running.

  • fiber.yield() allows the main loop to execute a different fiber. fiber.yield is simply an alias for module yield (which is an effect) and is a no-op if there is no fiber running.

  • fiber.suicide() kills the currently running fiber without providing a return value. It is equivalent to fiber.current():kill() but slightly faster. This function raises an error if there is no fiber running.

  • fiber.spawn(action, ...) runs the action function with given arguments in a separate fiber and returns a handle for the spawned fiber. This function raises an error if there is no fiber running, i.e. it must be called from within an action passed to fiber.scope(action, ...) or a previous fiber.spawn(action, ...) call.

  • fiber.pending() returns true if there is any woken fiber and false if no other fiber is woken (or if there is no fiber running at all). This function can be used to check if it's okay to make a main event loop wait for I/O (e.g. by using an OS call that blocks execution).

  • fiber.handle(handlers, action, ...) is equivalent to effect.handle(handlers, fiber.scope, action, ...) and acts like effect.handle but additionally applies the effect handling to all spawned fibers within the action function. Any spawned fibers within action get killed once action returns.

A fiber handle f provides the following attributes and methods:

  • f:wake() wakes up fiber f if it has not terminated yet. If f is the currently running fiber, the next call to fiber.sleep() will perform a yield instead, unless f yields before attempting to sleep.

  • f:kill() kills fiber f if it has not terminated yet.

  • f.results is a table containing the return value of the action function of fiber f, or nil if the action has not terminated yet, or false if it has been killed.

  • f:await() puts the currently running fiber to sleep until fiber f has terminated. The method then returns its return values. If the awaited fiber got killed, the current fiber will be killed as well.

  • f:try_await() puts the currently running fiber to sleep until fiber f has terminated. If f was killed, this method returns false, otherwise returns true followed by f's return values.

The metatable for fiber handles is exported as fiber.fiber_metatable. The table fiber.fiber_methods can be extended to add methods to all fiber handles.

Module neumond.wait

The module provides the following effects (but no handlers) for waiting:

  • waits until one of several listed events occurred. Each event is denoted by two arguments, i.e. the number of arguments passed to the select effect must be a multiple of two. This module only defines the following arguments:

    • "handle" followed by a handle returned by some other functions in this module

    But in a POSIX environment (see wait_posix module), other modules are expected to additionally support:

    • "fd_read" followed by an integer file descriptor
    • "fd_write" followed by an integer file descriptor
    • "pid" followed by an integer process ID

    When passing a handle h to by calling, "handle", h, ...), then, after returns, h.ready indicates if the corresponding event occurred. h.ready must be reset to false when wanting to reuse the handle to wait for the next event (e.g. another occurrence of the next interval tick).

    Note that is allowed to sporadically wake up. Calling a handle, in contrast, will repeatedly use until the handle is ready.

  • wait.timeout(seconds) starts a timer that elapses after given seconds and returns a callable handle that, when called, waits until the time has elapsed. The handle can be closed by storing it in a <close> variable that eventually goes out of scope to ensure cleanup (otherwise resource cleanup may be delayed until the time has elapsed or garbage collection happens). The callable handle may also be passed to the effect (after the string "handle").

  • wait.interval(seconds) creates an interval with given seconds and returns a callable handle that, when called, waits until the next interval has elapsed. The handle can be closed by storing it in a <close> variable that eventually goes out of scope to ensure cleanup (otherwise resource cleanup may be delayed until garbage collection is performed). The callable handle may also be passed to the effect (after the string "handle").

  • wait.notify() creates and returns a handle sleeper and a function waker. Calling sleeper will wait until waker has been called. The waker function may be called first, in which case the next call to sleper will return immediately. The sleeper handle may also be passed to the effect (after the string "handle").

Module neumond.wait_posix

Module providing additional effects and functions for waiting on POSIX platforms. Appropriate handlers are provided by the wait_posix_blocking and wait_posix_fiber modules or the high-level runtime module as mentioned further above.

The wait_posix module provides the following effects:

  • which is an alias for

  • wait_posix.catch_signal(sig) starts listening for signal sig and returns a callable handle, which, upon calling, waits until a signal has been delivered. The callable handle may also be passed to the effect (after the string "handle").

  • wait_posix.deregister_fd(fd) must be performed before closing a file descriptor fd that is currently waited on. The effect resumes immediately with no value and can be safely performed multiple times on the same file descriptor and does not raise any error in that case. In a multi-fiber environment, a fiber waiting for reading from or writing to that file desciptor will be woken up.

Since, in a POSIX environment, is also expected to wait for file descriptors and process IDs, the following convenience functions are provided:

  • wait_posix.wait_fd_read(fd) waits until file descriptor fd is ready for reading.

  • wait_posix.wait_fd_write(fd) waits until file descriptor fd is ready for writing.

  • wait_posix.wait_pid(pid) waits until process with process ID pid has terminated.

It is not allowed to wait for the same resource more than once in parallel except for those resources where a handle for waiting is created. Reading and writing are considered as two different resources in that matter. Where handles are created for waiting, each handle must not be used more than once in parallel. Violating these rules may result in an error or unspecified behavior, e.g. deadlocks.

Module neumond.sync

The sync module uses the effects provided by the wait module to provide the following synchronization functions:

  • sync.notify() is an alias for wait.notify().

  • sync.mutex() returns a mutex m. Calling m locks the mutex and returns a guard that should be stored in a <close> variable which will unlock the mutex when closed.

    A mutex protected section looks as follows:

    local mutex = wait.mutex()
    local func()
      local guard <close> = mutex()
      -- do stuff here
  • sync.queue(size) returns a FIFO queue q with given size. Use q:push(e) to push an element e and q:pop() to pop an element. Methods push and pop will wait if the queue is full or empty, respectively. Use #q to obtain the number of buffered elements plus minus any pending pushes and pops. q:push(e) will return immediately if #q < q.size and q:pop() will return immediately if #q > 0.

Module neumond.eio

Module for basic I/O, using non-blocking I/O (through the neumond.nbio Lua module written in C) and the neumond.wait_posix module to wait for I/O.

With the exception of depending on POSIX file descriptors, this module generic in regard to how "waiting" is implemented. In particular, eio does not depend on the fiber module, and whenever there is a need to wait for I/O, the effects of the wait_posix module are performed. In order to use eio, appropriate handlers have to be installed. One way to achieve this is to use the runtime module:

local runtime = require "neumond.runtime"
local eio = require "neumond.eio"

    eio.stdout:flush("Hello World!\n")

Available functions:

  •, flags) opens a file at the given path and returns an I/O handle on success (nil and error message otherwise). The optional flags argument is a string containing a comma separated list of one or more of the following flags:

    • r: read-only
    • w: write-only
    • rw: read and write
    • append: each write appends to file
    • create: create file if not existing
    • truncate: if existing, truncate file to a size of zero
    • exclusive: report error if file already exists

    Note that r, w, and rw are mutually exclusive and exactly only one of them must be specified unless flags is nil (which then defaults to "r").

  • eio.localconnect(path) initiates opening a local socket connection with the socket on the filesystem given by path and returns an I/O handle on success (nil and error message otherwise).

  • eio.tcpconnect(host, port) initiates opening a TCP connection to the given host and port and returns an I/O handle on success (nil and error message otherwise).

  • eio.locallisten(path) listens for connections to a local socket given by path on the filesystem and returns a listener handle on success (nil and error message otherwise). A pre-existing socket entry in the file system is unlinked automatically and permissions of the new socket are set to world read- and writeable.

  • eio.tcplisten(host, port) runs a TCP server at the given interface (host) and port and returns a listener handle on success (nil and error message otherwise).

  • eio.execute(file, ...) executes file with optional arguments in a subprocess and returns a child handle on success (nil and error message otherwise). Note that no shell is involved unless file is a shell. The search path for executables (PATH environment variable) applies.

  • eio.timeout(seconds) is an alias for wait.timeout(seconds).

  • eio.interval(seconds) is an alias for wait.interval(seconds).

  • eio.catch_signal(sig) is an alias for wait_posix.catch_signal(sig).

Note that name resolution is blocking, even though any other I/O is handled async.

A listener handle l provides the following methods:

  • l:accept() waits until an incoming connection or I/O error. Returns an I/O handle on success (nil and error message otherwise).

  • l:close() closes the listener. This function returns immediately and does not report any errors.

A child handle c provides the following attributes and methods:

  • c:kill(sig) kills the process with signal number sig (defaults to 9 for SIGKILL).

  • c:wait() waits until the process has terminated and returns a positive exit code or a negated signal number, depending on how the process terminated.

  • c.stdin, c.stdout, c.stderr are I/O handles connected with the process' stdin, stderr, and stdout, respectively.

An I/O handle h provides the following attributes and methods:

  • h:read(maxlen, terminator) waits repeatedly until maxlen bytes could be read, a terminator byte was read, EOF occurred, or an I/O error occurred (whichever happens first). If all bytes or some bytes followed by EOF could be read, it returns a string containing the read data. If EOF occurred before any bytes could be read, returns the empty string (""). Returns nil and an error message in case of an I/O error. Be aware that if maxlen is absent or nil, there is no boundary on the number of bytes read and input data may cause unbounded memory allocation. If terminator is absent or nil, then it is always attempted to read maxlen bytes or until EOF if maxlen is nil. This method may read more bytes than requested and/or read beyond the terminator byte and will then buffer that data for the next invocation of the read method.

  • h:read_unbuffered(maxlen) waits until some data is available for reading or an I/O error occurred. It then reads a maximum number of maxlen bytes. The return value may be shorter than maxlen even if there was no EOF. However, the empty string ("") is only returned on EOF and if no bytes could be read before the EOF occured. Returns nil and an error message in case of an I/O error. If maxlen is absent or nil, some (finite) default value will be used.

  • h:read_nonblocking(maxlen) acts like h:read_unbuffered(maxlen) but returns immediately with an empty string if no data is available. To avoid ambiguities, EOF is indicated by returning false (and an error message). I/O errors are indicated by nil and an error message. If maxlen is absent or nil, some (finite) default value will be used.

  • h:unread(data, ...) puts data at beginning of read buffer, which can be used to "undo" reading, similar to the ungetc C function but allowing to put back more than one byte at a time.

  • h:write(data, ...) waits repeatedly until all data could be stored in a buffer and/or written out. Returns true on success, false and an error message in case of a disconnected receiver (broken pipe), and nil and an error message in case of other I/O errors. Multiple arguments may be supplied in which case they get concatenated.

  • h:flush(data, ...) waits repeatedly until all buffered data and the optionally passed data could be written out. Returns true on success, false and an error message in case of a disconnected receiver (broken pipe), and nil and an error message in case of other I/O errors. Multiple arguments may be supplied in which case they get concatenated.

  • h:shutdown(...) acts like h:flush(...) and afterwards closes the sending part but not the receiving part of a connection. Return values are like h:flush. In case of TCP connections, a TCP FIN packet will be sent. Note that file handles and local sockets do not support closing only the sending part of a connection. In those cases, the underlying file or socket is closed completely and reading will result in EOF being reported.

  • h:close() closes the handle (sending and receiving part). Any non-flushed data may be discarded. This function returns immediately and does not report any errors. It is also used when h is a to-be-closed variable. Note that you must call h:shutdown() first to close a TCP connection gracefully as otherwise a TCP RST will be sent, which may cause some already flushed data to get lost.

There are three preopened handles eio.stdin, eio.stdout, and eio.stderr, which may exhibit blocking behavior, however.

The metatables for I/O handles as well as listener and child handles are exported as eio.handle_metatable, eio.listener_metatable, and eio.child_metatable, respectively. The tables eio.handle_methods, eio.listener_methods, and eio.child_methods can be extended to add methods to all respective handles.


On Linux, libkqueue is needed. Some older versions of this library do not properly support waiting for either reading or writing on the same file descriptor at the same time. See the release notes for libkqueue version 2.4.0. Unfortunately, some Linux distributions ship with old versions of that library. For example, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as well as Ubuntu 24.04 LTS ship with version 2.3.1, which is subject to this bug.

Also note that the provided Makefile is a BSD Makefile. Use bmake instead of make on Linux platforms.

The I/O related modules of this library support POSIX operating systems (Linux, BSD, etc.) only. In particular, there is no support for Microsoft Windows. However, it is possible to use the effect and fiber modules on Windows, since those are implemented in pure Lua and do not have any operating system dependencies.

Related work

See also "One-shot Algebraic Effects as Coroutines", 21st International Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming (TFP), 2020, (post symposium) by Satoru Kawahara and Yukiyoshi Kameyama, Department of Computer Science, University of Tsukuba, Japan, who provide theoretic background and also presented a similar implementation of (one-shot) algebraic effects in Lua based on coroutines.


Effects in Lua







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