21985 commits
to d020fc65025298e135df1810131c472695eca2f2
since this release
1.0.0 (2022-05-20)
- add helper to create persistence entry from LDIF file (#1262) (f2e653e)
- add schema updates #1390 (c9023b3)
- add script for Google login (#1141) (bac9144)
- add super-jans project (1ac74d0)
- adding logs to debug license issues#1258 (#1281) (8a08771)
- adjust ownership and permission to avoid bloated images (#1312) (d016682)
- allow flows to access their metadata properties #1340 (344ba04)
- call id-generation script when creating user/group #1145 (3a9a03a)
- config-cli enumerate scope type (275533b)
- create apis to verify and save license api-keys in Admin UI #1196 (#1203) (315faec)
- initial agama commit #1322 (#1323) (0148bc8)
- Jans linux setup refactor (#1328) (79d3a75)
- Jans linux setup ubuntu22 Installation (#1325) (8597750)
- jans-auth-config: user mgmt endpoint - wip (9c8094a)
- jans-auth-server: #808 sign-in with apple interception script (c21183a)
- jans-auth-server: adapted authorization ws to use authzrequest (58c5336)
- jans-auth-server: added authzrequest abstraction (af8faf0)
- jans-auth-server: authorized acr values (#1068) (26e576a)
- jans-auth-server: changed prog lang name python->jython (b9ba291)
- jans-auth-server: client registration language metadata (#1237) (a8d0157)
- jans-auth-server: enable person authn script to have multiple acr names (#1074) (1dc9250)
- jans-auth-server: force signed request object (#1052) (28ebbc1)
- jans-auth-server: hide 302 redirect exception in logs #1294 (00197c7)
- jans-auth,jans-cli,jans-config-api: changes to handle new attribute description in Client object and new custom script type (d64e042)
- jans-auth,jans-cli,jans-config-api: changes to handle new attribute description in Client object and new custom script type (a096110)
- jans-auth,jans-cli,jans-config-api: changes to handle new attribute description in Client object and new custom script type (d4a9f15)
- jans-cli display users in tabular form (#1296) (7f75d39)
- jans-cli group common items in menu (ref: #892) (#1306) (819f8f7)
- jans-cli obtain list of attrbiutes from server when creating user (1f9b62d)
- jans-cli tabulate attribute list (#1313) (a684484)
- jans-cli use test client (ref: #1283) (#1285) (6320af7)
- jans-config-api: added custom script patch endpoint (6daa4f6)
- jans-config-api: added patch endpoint for custom script (e274e20)
- jans-config-api: added patch endpoint for custom script (f8da77d)
- jans-config-api: added scope DN validation while client creation (#1293) (f276605)
- jans-config-api: converting fido2 endpoint to plugin (#1304) (88c3fff)
- jans-config-api: exposed attributes at root value (3c3df7a)
- jans-config-api: exposed attributes at root value (40570a7)
- jans-config-api: fixed build issue due to LocalizedString change (#1329) (3b5ab78)
- jans-config-api: ignore client.customObjectClasses value for persistence type other than LDAP (#1073) (622bcf4)
- jans-config-api: rectified test properties file (#1222) (5b80f67)
- jans-config-api: removed encrypttion and decryption of user password (7f50ad0)
- jans-config-api: removed unused import (8a41484)
- jans-config-api: user custom attributes at root level - 1348 (5b3f0a1)
- jans-config-api: user management api (b367d44)
- jans-config-api: user management api (517e7f2)
- jans-config-api: user management api (a034bc3)
- jans-config-api: user management endpoint (f28f3b8)
- jans-config-api: user management enhancement to chk mandatory feilds (903ba5a)
- jans-config-api: user management enhancement to chk mandatory feilds (0bc2282)
- jans-config-api: user management enhancement to chk mandatory feilds (e6e2781)
- jans-config-api: user management mandatory field chk changes (e242ec6)
- jans-config-api: user management patch endpoint (0a7ad7d)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint (a093758)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint (ad66713)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint (0f7a723)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint (379ca09)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint (f98c59e)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint (0ea10fd)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint - wip (70987f6)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint - wip (af30358)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint - wip (aadbf8b)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoint -wip (ac35327)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoints (1d53b2e)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt endpoints (5cd1ad5)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt patch endpoint (1180068)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt patch endpoint (12a08e1)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt patch endpoint (0427186)
- jans-config-api: user mgmt patch endpoint (cb7d36c)
- jans-config-api: user mgt plugin (ccc56f8)
- jans-config-api: user mgt plugin (ae132cf)
- jans-config-api: user-management endpoints (#1167) (d8e97c4)
- jans-core: added more error logs if script is not loaded (4084aeb)
- jans-core: added pure java discovery sample custom script (1d01ba7)
- jans-core: compile java code on the fly for custom script (5da6e27)
- jans-core: corrected StandaloneCustomScriptManager (0a52ec8)
- jans-core: remove UPDATE_USER and USER_REGISTRATION scripts #1289 (c34e75d)
- jans-linux-setup config-api fido2-plugin (ref: #1303) (#1308) (ea929c0)
- jans-linux-setup copy site packages in case of pyz (8a8a05e)
- jans-linux-setup fido metadata folder (8e95b7a)
- jans-linux-setup load pure java sample custom script (#1335) (60cb36c)
- jans-linux-setup refactor key reneration for all backends (ref: #1147) (#1228) (cbe29c4)
- jans-linux-setup set DefaultTimeoutStartSec=300s (#1279) (6b511c4)
- jans-linux-setup show version (b16b77d)
- jans-linux-setup: config-api user management plugin (ref: ##1213) (#1223) (450c78c)
- jans-linux-setup: multivalued json enhancement (#1102) (b8fb658)
- jans: jetty 11 integration (#1123) (6c1caa1)
- merge ORM from Gluu (#1200) (685a159)
- move file downloads to setup (2680bd0)
- pre-populate role scope mapping dynamically (#1201) (3ab6a11)
- remove Jython's pip from images (#1176) (e3f374f)
- user management enhancement to chk mandatory feilds (3ac4b19)
Bug Fixes
- #1107 - not required (cf46672)
- #1107 jansCodeChallengeHash missing (65ac184)
- add issue guidelines to TOC (#1188) (192165b)
- add missing permission and defaultPermissionInToken attribute in role-scope mapping (#1270) (e2c67ec)
- adjust beans and schema #1107 (#1248) (369129d)
- admin-ui: the backend issues related to jetty 11 migration #1258 (#1259) (d61be0b)
- agama: adjust pom version #1402 (#1403) (930f080)
- agama: adjust pom version #1402 (#1404) (86bf614)
- avoid duplicated client when re-running persistence-loader and configurator (#1134) (5567ba9)
- broken links (86d0232)
- bug(jans-auth-server): custom pages are not found #1318 (e1e0bf9)
- change column size of jansFido2AuthnEntry.jansAuthData column (#1066) (f1c3ffa)
- code smells (e5aaad7)
- config-api: scim user management endpoint failing due to conflict with user mgmt path (#1181) (8ee47a0)
- Data too long for column #1107 (8eb2c70)
- errors adding/upgrading data into couchbase persistence (#1226) (db71324)
- extract directory (fe7a3c5)
- fix license apis#1258 (#1271) (14c6a2b)
- handle index error for JSON columns (#1205) (90f77c3)
- hyperlinks (#1209) (d1e1ed6)
- invalid LDAP schema reading token_server client ID (#1321) (db4f080)
- jans cli update readme (2f4f57f)
- jans-auth-server: added faces context as source of locale (#1189) (ce770ae)
- jans-auth-server: authorize page message policy (#1096) (f10ccb1)
- jans-auth-server: corrected fallback value of checkUserPresenceOnRefreshToken (a822ae5)
- jans-auth-server: corrected log vulnerability (1000a60)
- jans-auth-server: corrected npe in response type class (941248d)
- jans-auth-server: corrected signature algorithm identification with java 11 and later (3e203f2)
- jans-auth-server: corrected thread-safety bug in ApplicationAuditLogger #803 (ef73c2b)
- jans-auth-server: disabled issuing AT by refresh token if user status=inactive (3df72a8)
- jans-auth-server: do not serialize jwkThumbprint (d8634fe)
- jans-auth-server: during encryption AS must consider client's jwks too, not only jwks_uri (475b154)
- jans-auth-server: dynamic client registration managment delete event (911e54b)
- jans-auth-server: escape login_hint before rendering (e1a682a)
- jans-auth-server: fixed equals/hashcode by removing redundant dn field (d27659d)
- jans-auth-server: fixed server and tests after jetty 11 migration (#1354) (3fa19f4)
- jans-auth-server: gluuStatus -> jansStatus (7f86d6d)
- jans-auth-server: isolate regex redirection uri validation test (#1075) (cca0551)
- jans-auth-server: removed CONFIG_API from AS supported script types #1286 (c209868)
- jans-auth-server: removed ThumbSignInExternalAuthenticator (a13ca51)
- jans-auth-server: renamed localization resoruces files #1198 (#1199) (4561f2a)
- jans-auth-server: restored id generator call to external custom script (#1128) (5ba98c1)
- jans-auth-server: use duration class instead of custom util to calculate seconds from date to now (#1249) (5ae76ab)
- jans-auth-server: validate redirect_uri blank and client redirect uris single item to return by default (#1046) (aa139e4)
- jans-cl update WebKeysConfiguration (#1211) (54847bc)
- jans-cli allow emptying list attrbiutes by _null (#1166) (571c5cd)
- jans-cli code smells (1dc5cb0)
- jans-cli do not require client if access token is provided (6b787ec)
- jans-cli hardcode enums (739a759)
- jans-cli scope dn/id when creating client (518f971)
- jans-cli scope dn/id when creating client (f056abf)
- jans-cli: corrected typo (#1050) (4d93a49)
- jans-client-api replace netstat with ss in startup script (#1246) (cde3fb1)
- jans-config-api: corrected typo in swagger spec (3c11556)
- jans-config-api: LDAP test endpoint fix (#1320) (fb0e132)
- jans-core: corrected ExternalUmaClaimsGatheringService (cfe1b6d)
- jans-linux-setup --add-module (4f6b8a9)
- jans-linux-setup code smell (09bb36e)
- jans-linux-setup code smell (b790c01)
- jans-linux-setup code smell (3c57d5e)
- jans-linux-setup code smells (4f362e5)
- jans-linux-setup code smells (824cf1f)
- jans-linux-setup code smells (b2a48db)
- jans-linux-setup code smells (e930f16)
- jans-linux-setup code smells (45953c6)
- jans-linux-setup code smells (b01da85)
- jans-linux-setup config-api plugin dependencies (#1310) (b5577dd)
- jans-linux-setup copy_tree (2c2ad3a)
- jans-linux-setup create json index for multivalued attributes (#1131) (be9e63c)
- jans-linux-setup dependency prompt-toolkit (865647e)
- jans-linux-setup maven url (244135d)
- jans-linux-setup move mysql-timezone to config (31df7db)
- jans-linux-setup multivalued json mapping (ref: #1088) (#1090) (e3d9dbf)
- jans-linux-setup openbanking setup issues (3837dd2)
- jans-linux-setup set log level to TRACE for test data (#1345) (21a2120)
- jans-linux-setup typo (#1311) (97723d5)
- jans-linux-setup url of config api scim plugin (da007f0)
- jans-linux-setup-key key-regeneration fix spanner host (#1229) (5a472ad)
- jans-linux-setup: copy user-mgt-plugin (#1225) (8def41a)
- jans-linux-setup: defaults loggingLevel to INFO (#1346) (26b1163)
- jans-linux-setup: enable mod_auth_openidc (#1048) (40e24ea)
- jans-linux-setup: minor typo (#1109) (32b5af5)
- jans-linux-setup: rdbm index (#1135) (ec3bd1b)
- jans-linux-setup: remove attributes of size 64 from sql_data_types.json (#1112) (1726d09)
- linux-setup don't use personCustomObjectClassList for RDBMS (ref: #1214) (#1216) (4d8dff7)
- Make column wider #1044 (f3e393f)
- Security Hotspot (4e091c4)
- Security Hotspot (1899a39)
- set permission for jans-auth.xml explicitly (#1315) (80f33a2)
- submit button is missing from the Properties page #175 (2424965)
- the admin-ui backend issues related to jetty 11 migration #1258 (cf94d5f)
- typo and indexing error (#1125) (dc87dc0)
- Typo httpLoggingExludePaths jans-auth-server jans-cli jans-config-api jans-linux-setup docker-jans-persistence-loader (47a20ee)
- typo in jans-cli interactive mode (25f5971)
- update api-admin permissions from config api yaml (#1183) (438c896)
- update mysql/spanner mappings #1053 (94fb2c6)
- update templates #1053 (2e33a43)
- Use highest level script in case ACR script is not found. Added FF to keep existing behavior. (#1070) (07473d9)
- use secure http urls for maven repositories (#1353) (496b5b2)
- use shutil instead of zipfile (c0a0cde)
This mega release contains the following releases:
- jans-linux-setup-v1.0.0
- jans-pycloudlib-v1.0.0
- jans-cli-v1.0.0
- docs-v1.0.0
- jans-config-api-v1.0.0
- jans-client-api-v1.0.0
- jans-eleven-v1.0.0
- jans-notify-v1.0.0
- jans-fido2-v1.0.0
- jans-orm-v1.0.0
- jans-bom-v1.0.0
- jans-scim-v1.0.0
- jans-auth-server-v1.0.0
- jans-core-v1.0.0
- docker-jans-configurator-v1.0.0
- docker-jans-certmanager-v1.0.0
- docker-jans-scim-v1.0.0
- docker-jans-config-api-v1.0.0
- docker-jans-client-api-v1.0.0
- docker-jans-fido2-v1.0.0
- docker-jans-persistence-loader-v1.0.0
- docker-jans-auth-server-v1.0.0