This project implements the air quality monitoring system based on state-of-art Internet Of Things techniques. In this system, portable sensors collect air quality information timely and the ambient temperature and humidity. It will display the sensed data in a user-friendly format on an LCD and Thing Speak Cloud.
- ThingSpeak IOT Cloud
- Arduino IDE
- Libraries -> Sensors Libraries such as DHT.h, WiFi.h, and LiquidCrystal_I2C.h -> Machine Learning libraries such as numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, tkinter, sqlite3
- Visual Studio Code
- Temperature and Humidity Sensors
- WiFi Module
- Jump Wires
- Power Cables
- Install and download Arduino IDE, then download all the sensor libraries in Arduino IDE
- Clone this project, open air_dht.ino with Arduino IDE.
- Since we are using ESP32, select esp32 board
- Download POM3 and add it to the Driver Manager if you don't have one. Select port and add POM3 port.
- Create a channel in ThingSpeak Cloud and add fields for Humidity, Temperature, Co, and NH3.
- Configure WiFi password and ThingSpeak IOT Cloud channel key.
- Click on the Serial monitor to show WiFi connection establishment logs details and sensor values.
To access the corresponding blog post, you can find it at the following this link:iot-based-air-quality-monitoring-system