This is the core package that powers tileify-ags-proxy. If you want to create a slippy map tile service from your ArcGIS Server maps, you should probably head over there.
const TileifyAGS = require('tileify-ags');
const agsServerUrl = '';
const urlParamConfig = {
transparent: 'true',
layers: 'show:20',
const x = 144666;
const y = 207574;
const z = 19;
const pixelRatio = 2; // Optional: Use 2 to generate 512x512 tiles. Defaults to 1 (256x256 tiles).
const tiler = new TileifyAGS(agsServerUrl, urlParamConfig, pixelRatio);
const url = tiler.getTileUrl(x, y, z);