Releases: JavierMarrero/jlibgraph
Releases · JavierMarrero/jlibgraph
This is the version 0.7.0
of the library, in preparation for the 1.0.0
release (planned for november 19)
What's Changed
- Dummy commit to test Git. by @SnowBlackQueen in #1
- Update by @SnowBlackQueen in #2
- .gitignore modified for supporting VS Code and updated by @cdrobaina01 in #3
- Developed basic iterators by @JavierMarrero in #4
- Implemented Depth-First Traversal of a graph via iterators. by @JavierMarrero in #5
- Implemented cycle detection algorithm for undirected graphs by @JavierMarrero in #6
- Important merge for baseline updates by @JavierMarrero in #7
- Reorganization of the library package structure by @JavierMarrero in #8
- Fixed bug in breadth first iterators. by @JavierMarrero in #9
- Added Tree and TreeNode interfaces. by @JavierMarrero in #10
- Commit de prueba by @JoseCarlosGarcia in #11
- Update by @JoseCarlosGarcia in #12
- Commit de prueba by @JoseCarlosGarcia in #13
- Formateadas las clases. by @JoseCarlosGarcia in #14
- Minor updates to the class library. by @JavierMarrero in #15
- Minor changes by @JavierMarrero in #17
- Problemas técnicos xD by @SnowBlackQueen in #18
- ExistPath algorithm and GraphBuilders fixed for supporting directed graphs by @cdrobaina01 in #19
- Bugfix by @JavierMarrero in #21
- Added Karger's minimun cut and find mother vertex algorithms. by @JavierMarrero in #22
- Added an algorithm to find a bridge within a graph. by @JavierMarrero in #25
- Finished the bridge finding algorithm for undirected graphs. by @JavierMarrero in #27
- Algoritmo para el camino más corto con exactamente k aristas by @JoseCarlosGarcia in #28
- Merge development into main. by @JavierMarrero in #29
- Commit to seal development branch. by @JavierMarrero in #32
- Getting ready for the structure change by @cdrobaina01 in #33
- Merge from development to main by @JavierMarrero in #34
- Titulo cool jsjsjs by @Amy-Mendez in #35
- Merge development into main by @JavierMarrero in #36
- Added graph cloning, immutable graphs and new method and constraints by @JavierMarrero in #37
- Merge to main from development by @JavierMarrero in #38
- Merged main into development by @JavierMarrero in #39
- Ahora sí. by @SnowBlackQueen in #42
- Development jose carlos garcia by @JoseCarlosGarcia in #43
- Added a few more utility functions to the nodes and iterators. by @JavierMarrero in #44
- Integration 'development' -> 'main' v0.7.0 by @JavierMarrero in #45
New Contributors
- @SnowBlackQueen made their first contribution in #1
- @cdrobaina01 made their first contribution in #3
- @JavierMarrero made their first contribution in #4
- @JoseCarlosGarcia made their first contribution in #11
- @Amy-Mendez made their first contribution in #35
Full Changelog: