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OpenTimelineIO Javascript bindings

This repository is the home to the OpenTimelineIO Javascript bindings.


Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up and run the JS Bindings project on your local machine:

  1. Create a fork of this repository

  2. Clone the repository

git clone --recurse-submodules{{YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME}}/OpenTimelineIO-JS-Bindings.git
cd OpenTimelineIO-JS-Bindings
  1. Install dependencies
make setup
  1. Build project
make build
make install

Right now, files will be installed in the ./install directory. This is hardcoded.

  1. Run unit tests
npm run test

Jest is used as a the test runner. Additional arguments can be passed to Jest like this: npm test -- <additional arguments>.

State of the project

This is still a work in progress for now, but the base is there. That is:

  • SerializableObject, SerializableObjectWithMetadata, ability to subclass them and register custom schemas from Javascript.
  • Composable, Marker, Clip (partial) and SerializableCollection (partial).
  • Serialization and deserialization is mostly working, though it needs more work to cover everything.
  • opentime is implemented, but more work is needed on the comparison operators.
  • Imath V2d and Box2d are also available. We still can't access the x property of v2d for technical reasons.
  • AnyDictionary is automatically converted from C++ to JS and from JS to C++.
  • AnyVector is a work in progress.
  • Objects lifecycle needs more work. I think some instances are "leaked" (they stey alive while they should get deleted).
  • std::optional is working.
  • Tests live in the tests directory.
  • Tests are run automatically on every push using GitHub Actions.


Most TODOs are documented in the code. Search for TODO: and you will find everything that still needs to be done. Other TODOs are bellow:

  • The delete method in JS doesn't trigger the destructors... managing_ptr + KeepaliveMonitor are a little bit too good at keeping instances alive.
  • AnyVector is still unhandled.
  • AnyDictionary works but is not fully tested.
  • Support JSON.stringify? (This would require to implement the toJSON method on objects).
  • Support toString methods?
  • Go through skipped tests.
  • Implement an "equal" + "notEqual" method on everything?
  • Class functions are not available on sub-classes (emscripten-core/emscripten#18722).