Library for type-safe use of contextBridge in Electron.
When we implement ipc using contextBridge in TypeScript, we can't know if the method exists (unsafe). This library is aimed at making it type-safe to use.
Install with npm (or you can use your favorite tool).
npm i electron-typescript-ipc
We have a template repository for using this module.
Please see here:
import {
} from 'electron-typescript-ipc';
import { Api } from 'path/to/api.ts';
const ipcRenderer = createIpcRenderer<Api>();
export type Api = GetApiType<
getDataFromStore: (str: string) => Promise<string>;
showAlert: (text: string, num: number) => Promise<void>;
const api: Api = {
invoke: {
getDataFromStore: async (key: string) => {
return await ipcRenderer.invoke('getDataFromStore', key);
on: {
showAlert: listener => {
ipcRenderer.on('showAlert', listener);
contextBridge.exposeInMainWorld('myAPI', api);
declare global {
interface Window {
myAPI: Api;
const createWindow = (): void => {
const mainWindow = ...
mainWindow.on('ready-to-show', () => {
ipcMain.removeHandler<Api>('getDataFromStore'); // This is essential in case you are called multiple times
ipcMain.handle<Api>('getDataFromStore', async (_event, key) => {
return await store.get(key);
setInterval(ipcMain.send<Api>(mainWindow, 'showAlert', 'Hi'), 10000)
window.myApi.on.showAlert((_event, text) => {