Building a 16 bit Arithmetic Logic Unit using the Mojo v3 FPGA and Lucid
This build requires an IO Shield for the Mojo
Installation guide for Xilinx, MojoLoader and MojoIDE can be found here.
Upon creating a new project, select "IO Shield Base" from the From Example dropdown. Under the Project tab, select "Add Components...". Under Miscellaneous, add components "Counter" and "Decoder" to the project.
- Adder/Subtractor Unit
- Compare Unit
- Boolean Unit
- Shifter Unit
- Multiplier Unit (Extra)
Input of ALU: 16 bit binary number a 16 bit binary number b 6 bit binary number aufn[6:0]
Output of ALU: 16 bit binary number ALU 1 bit boolean z 1 bit boolean v 1 bit boolean n
Either adds a to b or subtracts a from b depending on alufn[0]
Input: a, b, alufn[0]
Output: sum, z, v, n
sum is a 16 bit binary number
*sum might overflow
if (alufn[0] == 0):
sum = a+b
if (alufn[0] == 1):
sum = a-b
z is true if all bits of sum are 0
v is true if there is an overflow during calculation
n is true if sum is a negative number
Checks if a is equal to, less than, less than or equal to b depending on alufn[2:1]
Input: a, b, alufn[2:1]
Output: cmp
cmp is a 16 bit binary number
cmp[15:1] = 0
if (output of comparison is true):
cmp[0] = 1
if (output of comparison is false):
cmp[0] = 0
Outputs boolean operations such as AND, OR, XOR, "A", on a and b
Input: a, b, alufn[3:0]
Output: bool
bool is a 16 bit binary number
bool applies the logic based on alufn[3:0]
Operation alufn[3:0]
AND 1000
OR 1110
XOR 0110
“A” 1010
Outputs a after it has been shifted by b bits. The type of shift depends on alufn[1:0]
Input: a, b, alufn[1:0]
Outut: shift
shift is a 16 bit binary number
Operation alufn[1:0]
SHL (shift left) 00
SHR (shift right) 01
SRA (shift right with sign extension) 11
Mul 10
Multiplier Unit is not part of a basic ALU and has been added as an additional feature
Multiplies two unsigned 8 bit binary numbers to produce a 16 bit binary number
Input: a[7:0], b[7:0]
Output: mul
mul is a 16 bit binary number
Outputs the final 16 bits as well as z, v, n
Depending on alufn[5:4], selects one of the outputs from the adder, compare, boolean or shifter units
Always outputs z,v,n from the adder unit
Operation | ALUFN[5:0] |
ADD | 000000 |
SUB | 000001 |
AND | 011000 |
OR | 011110 |
XOR | 010110 |
“A” | 011010 |
SHL | 100000 |
SHR | 100001 |
SRA | 100011 |
CMPEQ | 110011 |
CMPLT | 110101 |
CMPLE | 110111 |
MUL | 100010 |